Curses! Entertained, again!

Jan 08, 2013 14:50

LOVE. I MEAN I LOVE YOU ALL. Or at least, all of you who've been talking Teen Wolf. I finally had time to sit down and mainline every single episode and I just finished and it is the most adorable mess of a show that I have seen since maybe S3 of SPN (which, yeah, tonal parallels).

The (currently living) adults are all awesome, the (currently living) kids are all awesome, everyone is just awesome and I love all of it and nobody is ever totally dead and I've heard casting spoilers for next season but I choose not to believe they're absolute or definitive for all future things.

I have more to babble (like my growing adoration of Isaac and my perpetual adoration of Lydia) but I have to pick kids up from school, so just... please give me fic recs - anything gen or crossover, anything AU, and anything involving futurefic or far-past-fics involving Peter Hale/Chris Argent, and/or Chris/Sheriff Stilinsky please? I feel all these MWPP undertone-feels except everyone has a furry little problem.

When will S3 air? June???

fml, teen wolf

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