Thinking of creating my own LJ or other blog site which has all the reciPes that I want to try -- and I want to be able to comment on the recipe so that I know what I've done to it. I think LJ prob works best for this, if for nothing else than I'm slightly more familiar with it than anything else. but I'm not sure .... Hmmmm ???
finally managing to meet up with Kim who brought Heffie from Sydney when I left him at Ayla's house. sickness, assignment, exams and poor mental skills -- ie forgetting to contact at a non-2am time has meant that it hs take this long... but now...I'M GETTING HEFFIE BACK!!!!
so. It's official. Nothing in my blood test. I was told:↲ There is nothing wrong with you.↲ Don't come in to un tomorrow. ↲ Sleep for the next 3 days, then stop complaining.↲↲ ...↲Don't you love doctors!