i can't be the only one.

Aug 25, 2015 12:56

Title: I Can't Be the Only One
Pairing: Kyungri x Hyemi
Rate: G
Summary: Hyemi is conflicted.
A/N: Man it's been ages since I last wrote seriously.. though I'm pretty sure this is still quite rusty. (Originally posted on aff)

Being in love with somebody whom you practically spent half your life with is undeniably just one heck of the best feelings ever existed and known to humankind. To have your sincere feelings also reciprocated by that person is even better - picture perfect as what many would say. The mere idea even inspired a lot of people to either compose a song out of it or create a typical chick flick and make sure it grosses a good amount of millions, and if the movie does better than expected, a possible sequel would of course follow. Though the "so called" in-love-with-my-best-friend situation actually happens too, which proves that it is not just some finger curling fantasy for any romance fanatic, it somehow doesn't just happen to anyone within a snap of fingers. Yet, while some are happily starring in their own movie-like situations, some are heavily conflicted and are just not quite sure what to feel at all.

Hyemi often daydreams about a certain scenario in her head wherein she particularly meets a guy in the busy hallways. Of course, some sort of an unexpectedly mild but typical accident would be involved. In that scene, she sees herself walking through with her arms somewhat full of textbooks, but right then a guy who seemed to be in a rush would accidentally bump into her and cause her to lose her footing for a mere second or two and have her books scatter all over the floor. She and whoever it was would hastily collect the books, but it is mainly Mr. Dream boy recollecting her belongings and apologizing nonstop. Then as they get up on their feet and he hands everything back to her, time would slow down as their gazes meet and Hyemi's heart would start thumping while her insides flutter because she has fallen in love with him.

It is specifically the kind of romance that Hyemi wanted to experience. Simply because she finds it rather pure and innocent, and it most certainly appeals to her. But who would have thought that it will only take one person to completely turn everything upside down for her?

After a late night conversation shared through a phone call that Kyungri obviously started, Hyemi finds herself staring at the ceiling of her lamplit room, phone still resting within her palm. The conversation they had is just the typical talk over certain things that happened throughout their day. It is already odd enough for her to find herself feeling such burning sensation in her stomach with just the sudden thought of Kyungri a minute after she hanged up. It's also already enough to make her whisper what the hell is going on, why the heck is her insides getting all these fuzzy feelings just by remembering the sound of her voice, her laughter, and the small yawn that she managed to hear as she bids goodnight.

But really, what the hell?


Saying that Pyo Hyemi is smitten over her friend is quite an understatement - at least, that is what she insists no matter how much she has started taking notice of every single thing Kyungri does on a daily basis that they are literally together, because hey it so happened that they attend the same school and are to spend the rest of the year not just as classmates but also as seatmates (but more like cheatmates for Kyungri who likes to look over her shoulder and copy down answers to questions she doesn't have the slightest idea about.)

It's not that she intentionally did start watching Kyungri's every move. It's just… well, she's her seatmate. How could she not actually pay attention to every single thing she does and every nonsense she says whenever possible?

Hyemi finds herself sighing as she sat cross legged on her bed with a pillow in her arms. There's an evident frustration painted on her face as she stares at her contact list on her KakaoTalk, her eyes specifically fixed on her friend's display name. It is as if she's contemplating whether to send her a message, but it isn't actually the case.

To say that she just wanted to stare at her friend's display name as if it's saying something rather interesting, doesn't sound quite right at all. In fact there's nothing interesting about Kyungri's display name nor anything written beside it as some sort of a status update. It's just... just the only source to vent her frustrations over her confused feelings towards her. Because she couldn't afford having to deal with her heart's crazy thumping if she actually goes through her image folders to fish out one of the many selcas she has with her friend and stare at what could have been a silly expression on the latter's face instead.

She couldn't afford getting all breathless just by looking at Kyungri's picture.


For weeks Hyemi has suffered dealing with all the things that happens to her whenever Park Kyungri is around. She even came to the point where she decided to ignore her friend for the whole day in hopes that maybe if the other notices that she wanted to be left alone, she'd actually be given the space she needed in order for her to sort things out, to sort her feelings out.

But dear heavens, it's Park Kyungri we're talking about.

Sure, Kyungri didn't speak to her as well, but she wrote and passed her notes. Numerous notes that asks the same thing until her desk started looking like some trash bin and she just has to sigh and palm her forehead. Of course the action didn't go unnoticed to Kyungri and she hesitantly slipped her last note to her desk.

What's wrong? Are you alright? Do you want to go to the nurse? Hyemiiii please answer me or… or I'll die!

Another sigh escapes her lips and Hyemi isn't so sure whether she should laugh her head off or just cry due to the half worried, half clueless look that Kyungri is giving her. It's just hopeless.

"Say Kyungri, how is it possible that most of the time you look so intimidating, but unexpectedly you're actually an idiot?" Hyemi asks with an almost blank expression on her face, her eyes lazily meeting her friend's.

A slight frown appears on Kyungri's face as she furrows her brows upon hearing the question directed to her. "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" She exclaims, feeling a little hurt. But then her returned question just got ignored. Instead, the brunette lunges at her, catching her off guard as the next thing she knew, Hyemi has made her shoulder some sort of a makeshift pillow while her arms are loosely snaked around her own.

"Please treat me something sweet on the way home," Hyemi softly mumbles and Kyungri can only nod her head, still caught up by the moment, her throat suddenly gone dry and thus the inability to even utter a single letter.


As much as Hyemi would like to continue to make herself believe that she isn't smitten over her friend, it's just not working out. In fact, the more she denies her feelings, the guiltier she gets which would surely lead to her blushing madly, and having Kyungri see her face glowing red is definitely the last of the last things she ever wanted to happen.

But if she admits it now…


There's no way Pyo Hyemi's going to admit her feelings.

Not unless she's certain.

Certain that it is not just some infatuation.


Hyemi was in the middle of finishing up her homework. There she sat on her chair, hair messily tied up in a bun with some strands sticking out right here and there, a pair of thin rimmed round glasses sitting by the bridge of her nose, and her features showing a completely focused expression as she writes down every explanation she has behind her answers. Only did the seriousness etched on her face wavered when she heard a familiar sound coming from her phone.

[Gangie:] PYO! Are you free today?

[hyemiii:] mmm.. not unless I finish all my homeworks right away. why?

[Gangie:] pfft who cares about homeworks nowadays ㅋㅋ

Typical Kyungri. Hyemi scoffed, half laughing as she rests her back against her chair. A smile lingering on her face as she takes off her reading glasses, lightly tossing it atop her opened textbook. She was about to start typing for a reply when her phone vibrated in her palm followed along by the application's default notification ringtone, startling her. Kyungri sent another message.

[Gangie:] bus stop @ 4. i found a new café near downtown


It's been five hours since she replied to Kyungri's message by simply saying "ok, see you there" and she immediately scrambled to her feet (and almost tripped in the process) and out of her room and to the bathroom to shower. Then about an hour after, she came out and back to her room only to find herself staring at her closet and spending the rest of the remaining hours she has, rooted at the same spot as she tries to figure out what she should wear.

Hyemi doesn't pay much attention to her choice of clothing. It's always either she goes for the simple white tee and a pair of hotpants (or jeans if it's autumn or winter) or just whatever her hand would pick out of her rack of clothes. And it most definitely doesn't take her over an hour or more to decide what to wear, but today.

Just pick something already! Hyemi desperately shouted at herself, but she can't even seem to move a muscle at all and reach out for at least a shirt or a blouse.

She is far less than immobile to say the least. If anything, she's burdened, struggling to find an appropriate outfit to slip in. But honestly what the heck? All of a sudden she's having difficulty choosing what to wear and that is just completely absurd. It's not like Kyungri asked her out on a date and thus the need to dress nicely- Oh. Date. Oh. How could she honestly think of an obviously hangout as one?

Kyungri is the type to drag her along every time she discovers a new place of her liking, whether it be a street full of food stands or a bubble tea house or that - a café. How could she seriously misunderstand all this time?

The realization of her own misconception made all the blood circulating throughout her body go rushing up her face, and if Hyemi could, she would have screamed out of embarrassment already and personally buried herself in a hole.


At the exactly set time, Hyemi arrived at the meeting place dressed casually in a plain black shirt with the small portion of its front ends tucked in her white hotpants, a slightly oversized blue and white button up over and her favorite snapback sitting atop her head. As she gets nearer the bus stop, she starts getting a glimpse of Kyungri sitting at the bench, along with it is the burning sensation swirling up near her stomach that she gets whenever and she somewhat has grown accustomed with since.

Suddenly she wanted to slow down as she tries to get a hold of the shyness that appeared out of nowhere and thus with every breath that she takes, she silently chants for calmness to come over and help her keep her poise. Yet before she could even manage and get back on her senses, Kyungri looked up from her phone and turned and saw her and their eyes met.

Pyo Hyemi's heart skipped a beat.

As if the world lost its sense along with her, everything is suddenly put into slow motion. She managed to capture every precious seconds it takes as Kyungri's expression lights up and her lips curves into a wide smile upon seeing her. At least she wanted to freely assume that Kyungri's mood automatically lightens up because of her.

The mere silly thought made Pyo Hyemi's insides flutter.

Kyungri waited until Hyemi is finally right by her side and Hyemi prays that her cheeks aren't strangely pink due to the still evident heat lingering around her face.

"Did you wait long?"

Kyungri shakes her head and answers with a reassuring grin, "Not at all. I arrived like five minutes ago."

"Oh great, so I don't really have to worry," Hyemi half whistled and chuckled in relief.


Though they had to walk for a couple of minutes after the bus drops them off to their stop, it didn't take them long to reach their destination. They immediately found their selves inside a cozy vintage styled café, seated at one of the empty tables by the window as they waited for their beverages and cakes.

Hyemi couldn't wipe the amazement visible on her face as she looked around the interior. She likes how the walls are painted white, but at the same time looking as if they aren't completely done. She liked the authentic decorations too and how the choice of music being played is so laid back. The atmosphere of the place is just so relaxing. Definitely her kind of place to frequent.

On the other hand, Kyungri couldn't help but feel any more than proud of herself seeing how Hyemi is obviously impressed and seemed to like everything about the newly discovered café. And Kyungri would like to quietly take this as one of the many points that she has been secretly hoarding since.

They strolled around the shopping district, going in and out of stores and trying on a couple of things that they like. Soon they felt the need to drift away from the hectic area and resort to somewhere a little less crowded. They decided going a little further downtown to the city river would be alright considering that they still have plenty of time and if anything, they can just either take the cab or the bus all the way back.

"So how'd you like the vintage café?" Kyungri asks, briefly glancing at Hyemi who is just walking right beside her. A genuine smile appeared on Hyemi's features as she responded to Kyungri's question with a nod. "I liked it a lot." She says before taking another sip from the smoothie that she bought along the way.

"Have you been there before? How did you even find the place?"

Kyungri couldn't help but chuckle as Hyemi bombards her questions about the café.

"And if I tell you, will you give me a kiss?"

If Hyemi's currently holding anything sharp right at the very moment, she'd bet everything that she might have stabbed herself already. But thankfully she isn't armed with any sharp or dangerous object she could have possibly used.

She doesn't want to sound or even look like she's affected by what seemed to be Kyungri's condition before answering her questions. Yet she doesn't know what to do either. She doesn't know how to play along in any way she wouldn't seem very careful about her choice of words. But almost five minutes have already passed and she has not yet even uttered anything or at least just brushed off Kyungri's nonsense with a simple laugh like she always does- is it too late to do it now?

Hyemi doesn't really care if it has been over more than five minutes since. She just feels the need to still respond, however (given the fact that she's reacting bloody late) a rather awkward kind of laugh came out instead. Of course she noticed it and she intends to say something to sort of cover up for it, but her voice immediately trailed off the moment Kyungri looked over at her with a smirk.

Kyungri suddenly stopped on her tracks without warning, causing Hyemi who ended up trailing behind her to stumble into her.

It has started getting darker and barely anybody is still around the river. Hyemi began taking steps backward just as how Kyungri keeps on advancing closer to her. She doesn't have the slightest idea that she's getting dangerously closer to the edge of the river.

Only Kyungri is aware of the possible accident, and Hyemi who actually took the last step backwards gasped, her heart pounding violently upon suddenly losing the sense of balance. She has her eyes tightly shut, ready to fall off but it was only for a scary second. The next thing she knew, an arm is securely wrapped around her waist and a hand is propped behind her head.

Though her heart is still racing, Hyemi opens her eyes and finds out somebody managed to break her fall.

But it isn't just somebody.

"Stupid. Why were you taking those dangerous step away from me?" Kyungri whispers softly as she gently releases Hyemi from her embrace.

Hyemi just stood right there, unable to speak. She can only stare at Kyungri who is looking back at her worriedly.

If this is the right moment to be honest, she would admit that the thought of falling in love with her best friend never crossed her mind and if anything it scares her and thus the endless denials as her feelings started getting clearer. She doesn't know how it exactly happened. Heck should there even be any sort of reason behind that. But she is too conflicted. Too unsure. She needed to be sure if she is in love with Park Kyungri.

"How… how do you know if you're in love with someone?"

"She's the first thing that comes to your mind when you wake up and the last thing that you think about as you drift off to sleep. The mere thought of her makes you smile. Her voice is something you'd never get tired of hearing. Your heart skips a beat whenever you see her. You get breathless and extremely fuzzy when she's too close, and it just takes all your self control to hug her and kiss her. The simple gestures she shares with you sends electricity down to your spine. And even the most stupid thing she does could be the most adorable thing you'd ever witness with your own eyes."

No matter how much Hyemi tries to bite back the wide smile that she was trying so hard to suppress as she listens to Kyungri, it just seem too impossible to prevent herself from smiling, just as how difficult it was to ignore her feelings for her.


Kyungri is definitely that one student who took advantage of the fact that half of her teachers are gone and thus did a movie marathon for the whole night and only slept for roughly three hours. Kyungri nagged Hyemi to accompany her up to the rooftop while she sleeps, but Hyemi insisted otherwise.

Kyungri managed to sleep amidst the chaos in their classroom. She only wakes up to check the time and after that she will continue sleeping again, but upon hearing about some sort of topic about ideal types that Hyemi is currently having with her friends, she suddenly felt so awake. But she doesn't want to make it look obvious that she's interested in listening about their topic. So she plugged her earphones in, turned on her music, but lowered the media's volume and started checking her toast notifications.

"How about you Hyemi? What's your ideal type?"

"Oh mine?"

"Yes! Your ideal type!"

"Hmm… let me think.." Hyemi gently scratches her temple as she leans back. Then she notices Kyungri pretending to do something on her phone when in fact she's just tapping on the screen to keep her device alive. Hyemi secretly smiled in amusement at the sight. Then she cleared her throat and made sure that Kyungri will hear everything that she's going to say.

"Ah! I know!"

As Hyemi's friends eagerly leaned in forward, Kyungri oddly began feeling threatened.

"My ideal type is tall,"

I'm tall.

"Should have a good voice,"

I personally think I sing really well and even if I'm not singing my voice sounds good.

"Should be considerate,"

I am very considerate.

"Being funny is a plus point too,"

I am seriously funny.

"And hmm… has a lisp!"

I have a lisp- WHAT.

While Hyemi's friends laughed and whispered, "aigoo Hyemi-yah" and "that's so cute" all over again, Kyungri is furiously typing a message to be sent to Hyemi which the brunette immediately receives.

[Gangie:] is it really necessary to bring up my lisp??

[hyemiii:] someone's eavesdropping us!

Kyungri turns off her phone after reading Hyemi's reply. She looked at her and sort of shot her a what-the-hell look to which Hyemi only silently laughed about. With her eyes still glued on her seatmate, she watches as the latter turns back to her friends and continues playing. Kyungri could only sigh.

Moments later, Kyungri felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked at the source which of course is none other than Hyemi. She takes off one of her earphones then.

"I'm thirsty. Come down with me to the cafeteria?"

Kyungri didn't say anything and just gets up from her seat after.

They exited their classroom and as soon as the door has been shut behind them and Hyemi made sure nobody is in the hallways but them, the brunette immediately leaned in to place a soft kiss on Kyungri's cheek. Hyemi only flashed a grin when Kyungri looked at her in surprise.

"Sorry, I had to tease you back there. But you know I'm really fond of your lisp!"

Kyungri snorted and reached for Hyemi's hand, holding it and interlacing their fingers with ease. "You owe me."

hyemi, fanfic!, nine muses, kyungri

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