Various plush!
Plusle and Minun are 2.50$ each, Treecko and Pachirisu are 4$ each and I <3 Marine plush: each Shellos 3$ each, Piplup is 8$ and Buizel 10$!
SOLD: Minun, Plusle, Piplup, blue Shellos
I <3 Pikachu ribbon plush - 10$
The other two are 3$ each!
Snivy Christmas plush - 20$
SOLD: Charmander
Muskedeer pokedolls, MWT all of them! Each is 20$!
Oshawott pokedoll has tush tag only and has a small mark above it's left eye. 10$!
SOLD: Oshawott, Cobalion, Virizion
MPC plushies! Squirtle and Serperior are 10$ each and the rest are 8$ each!
SOLD: Deino, Litwick, Squirtle
Bigger I <3 Pikachu plushies with star chains! Each is 15$!
SOLD: middle one
Smaller I <3 Pikachu plushies with heart chains! Each is 10$, except sleeping one is 12$!
SOLD: winking one, sleeping one
Substitute plush is 30$ OBO!
I <3 Gothic plush, Weavile and Zorua, MWT are 12$ each and Gengar has tush tag only, he is 10$!
SOLD: Gengar
Snivy mini pokedoll plush is 10$, Jakks Snivy MWT and random custom Snivy (unknown plush maker) are 5$ each!
Braviary is 5$, Victini is 3$ and bootie Panpour is free with purchase of over 10$!
SOLD: Jakks Snivy, custom Snivy
Bootie Dragonite is 3$, Tepig zipper plush is 7$, Marill Jakks is 10$, Scraggy Jakks is 7$ and Oshawott is 5$ (visible mark next to shell)!
Each plush is 2.50$, except Slowpoke is 3$!
SOLD: Wynaut
Reversible Jakks plush! 7$ each OBO!
Throw pokeball plush! 5$ each OBO!
Shaymin head pouch - 3$
Fennekin new small bento box? - 5$ SOLD!
(notice that some may have paint marks, please ask me about conditions!)
XY kids MIB! Each is 3.50$, except Fennekin is 4.50$!
SOLD: Helioptile, Xerneas
MIB XY kids! Each is 4$, except PIkachu is 3$!
MIB kids figures! Most do not come with candy! Boxes will be flattened for protection!
Each is 5$, except Sylveon and Dent with Pansage are 8$ each!
SOLD: Snivy, Garchomp, Sylveon, Togekiss
Various kids! Each is 1.50$!
SOLD: Hypno, Piplup, Pidgeotto, Drowzee, Dugtrio, Venusaur, Lickilicky, Ekans, Fearow, Goldeen, Blastoise, Dent/Cilan
Various kids! Each is is 2.50$, except glow in dark Minun, clear kids, Raichu, Sparky and Persian are 4$ each!
SOLD: Archen, Archeops, Zekrom, clear Squirtle, Raichu, Ponyta, clear Gengar, Lapras, Sparky
Other kids figures!
Each is 3$, except attack Charizard is 4$!
SOLD: Bulbasaur, attack Charizard, Drifloon, Jellicent, Jirachi, Luxray, Pikachu, Swoobat
Kids! Each is 1.50$, except clear Gastly and Slowbro are 2.50$ each and humans are 3$ each!
SOLD: Gary, Charizard, Ash, Misty, Brock, Marill, Haunter, Golbat, Pansage
Spinner figures and Red Genesect figure - 3$ each, except Kirlia, which is 4$!
SOLD: Grovyle
NEW with sheets and boxes metal figures and coins!
Mewtwo, MegaBlastoise and MegaVenusaur - 3$ each
MegaBlaziken, Megadactyl, Dedenne, Pancham and Honedge - 5$ each
SOLD: 1x Honedge, 1x silver dactyl, 1x brass dactyl, 1x brass Dedenne
Lucario bottlecap - 6$ SOLD!
Mew bottlecap - 20$ OBO
Pancham line zukan MINT - 6$ SOLD!
DX kids figures, big TOMY figures and others!
Shaymins, both Dialgas and Palkia are 3$ each, Combusken, Kyogres, Blastoise, Hooh, Grovyle, Blaziken, Deoxys, Mewtwo, Mew and Venusaur are 4$ each and Drifblim is 5$!
SOLD: Grovyle, Drifblim, Combusken, Mew
Entire Moltres lot (including DX kid I forgot to add) for 30$ OBO! Includes some rare items like clear kid, zukan and others!
Ichiban Kuji figures! Pikachu is 5$, Eevee is 10$ and Charizard is 15$!
SOLD: Charizard, PIkachu
Ippai PIkachu figures from old and new sets! The ones from the older set do not come with paper inserts!! Each is 5$, except Pikachu with hat is 7$!
SOLD: Pikachu with hat, charmed Pikachu
Takara TOMY Arts figures are 5$ each, Togekiss and Sewaddle TOMY and the two Charizards are 6$ each!
SOLD: Glaceon, Espeon, Charizard TFG, Jolteon
Subway Masters figures! Each is 25$ OBO!
Jakks attack figures! Each is 5$!
SOLD: Snivy
Various figures!
Pachirisu, footprint figures and clear Shaymin TOMY are 5$ each, Sneasel kid is 3$ and the rest are 2$ each!
SOLD: Sleepy Pachirisu, Charmeleon, both Wynauts, Charizard, Charmander kid, Charizard footprint figure, both Charmander TOMYs and candy figure, Charmander footprint, both Empoleons
I have a few chocoball figures left, all are mint and come with box, capsule and paper insert!
Flygon is 15$, Banette is 7$, Pikachu, Treecko, Plusle, Mudkip, Groudon, Beautifly, Regice and Kirlia are 5$ each!
SOLD: Flygon, Kirlia
Launcher figures! Each is 5$ OBO!
Piplup big megablok figure - 4$ SOLD!
Lugia TOMY figure MIB - 5$
Wynaut MIB TOMY - 3$ SOLD!
Metal figures! Each is 3$!
SOLD: Munchlax on left, Hitmonlee
SOLD: Onix, Medicham
Various minimodels!
Each is 0.50, except Squirtle metal figure, which is 1$!
SOLD: blue Wigglytuff, all Squirtle line
Lots of random figures! A few have missing parts, please ask!!
Each is 0.50$!
SOLD: both pokeballs, Shinx, Luxio, Finneon, Lumineon
Lots of random figures!
Each is 1$!
SOLD: orange Dratini, Zoroark, regular colored Slowpoke, 1x Rotom, Marowak, happy Pikachu
Lots of random figures!
Each is 1.25$! One Swanna figure on hold!
SOLD: Dragonite, orange Haunter, regular colored Mew, Pidove, Pachirisu, Dewott, Plusle
Lots of random figures!
Each is 2$!
SOLD: Lapras, Banette, yellow Raichu, Slowking
Plastic shimmery figures!
Each is 3$!
SOLD: Gengar, Dratini
Random toys!
Serperior Sofubi with tags - 15$
Charizard (flaps with wings) - 5$
Pokeballs - 1$ each
Munchlax and Xerneas/Yveltal McD's toy - 3$ each
McD's puzzle pieces! Each is 2$!
Please comment on my sales post in the community for quotes!