Flats sales part 3 - Random flats

Jun 13, 2013 14:55


Glittery 3D stickers! Each is 3$, except the pokedoll ones and the big sticker with Pikachu and snowman are 4$ each!
I have doubles of some, please ask!

Gen 1 3D foam stickers are 3$ each, except Vulpix line are 3.50$ each! Zapdos EX card is mint and is 10$!
SOLD: Ninetales

PC stickers are 2.50$ each, and Eeveelu card sleeves are 1$ each!
I have multiples of some, so please ask!

Trozei and N postcards! Each is 3$!

Bunch of new Gen 6 poker cards! Each is 3$!
Sold: Hawlucha, Litleo, Pyroar, Pikachu, Dedenne

Each is 3$!
SOLD: Greninja

Each is 3$!
SOLD: Eevee, whole Fennekin line

Each is 3$!
SOLD: Chespin
Hold: Quilladin, Chesnaught

Each is 3$, except Pumpkaboo is 4$!
SOLD: Pancham, Raichu, Tyrunt, Tyrantrum

Each is 3$, except Meowstic line is 4$ each and Sylveon os 5$!
Sold: Espurr, Meowstics, Xerneas, Yveltal, Sylveon

Poker cards, each is 2$!

Poker cards, each is 2$!
SOLD: Spritzee

Poker cards, each is 2$!
SOLD: Aromatisse, Litleo

Poker cards! Each is 2$!
SOLD: Chesnaught, Dedenne, Pyroar

Glittery XY stickers! Each is 2.50, except Talonflame ad Blaziken are 3$ each!
SOLD: Blaziken

Round flats! They are two sided (so for example Raichu and Manaphy are together etc)! Each is 1$, except Raichu and Vulpix are 1.50$ each!
SOLD: Luxray/Heatran

Some glittery Amada and round stickers! Each is 2$!

Kids stickers! Each is 2$!


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