Flats sales part 2 - Amada stickers

Jun 13, 2013 14:36



Pastel Amadas! Each is 2$, except Vulpix is 3$!

Pastel Amadas! Each is 2$, except Slowpoke and glittery Jirachi are 3$ each!

Each is 1.50$, except Slowking, Oddish and Alakazam are 2$ and Raichu si 3.50$!

Each is 2$, except Raichu and Flareon are 3.50$ each!

Each is 2$, except Houndoom and Sneasel are 3$ each!

Each is 2$, except Flygon, Mightyena and Espeon are 3.50$ each!

Each is 2$, except Absol is 3$ and Umbreon is 3.50$!

Each is 2$, except for the bottom one, which are 1$ each!

Glittery and mirror Amadas! Each is 3$!

PLEASE NOTICE! These amadas were taken from four albums, so they will be only cut out!!!

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Mew&Meowth is 3$!
SOLD: Seel

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Lugia is 3$!
SOLD: Wiscash

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Entei&Seviper and Meowth&MimeJr are 3$ each!
SOLD: Heracross

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Scisor&Aipom, Sableye&Ditto, Lucario, Articuno and Weavile are 3$ each!
SOLD: Lucario, Clamperl

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Meowth&Houndoom and Natu are 3$ each!
SOLD: Poliwag

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Swablu, Pichu&Smeargle, Rayquaza and Umbreon are 3$ each!
SOLD: Umbreon

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Plusle&Duskull is 3$!
SOLD: Seviper

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Weavile, Arbok, Mew and Lugia are 3$ each!

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Lucario is 3$!
SOLD: Lucario

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Vulpix is 4$!
SOLD: Vulpix

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! The top 3 are regulars, so they are 0.50$ each, the others are 2$ each, except Mew, Weavile&Wobbuffet and Quilava are 3$ each!
SOLD: Quilava

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Vaporeon is 4$!
SOLD: Eevee, Vaporeon

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! The bottom are regulars, so they are 0.50$ each, others are 2$ each, except Slowpoke, Zapdos, Articuno and Dragonair are 3$ each!

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Skitty and Trapinch&Spoink are 3$ each!
SOLD: Trapinch

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Flygon and Altaria are 4$ each!
SOLD: Flygon

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Mightyena is 3$!

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Spheal and Absol are 3$ each!
SOLD: Absol

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Metagross is 3$ each!
SOLD: Lairon

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Poochyena&Torchic and Breloom are 3$ each!
SOLD: Poochyena

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Blaziken is 3$!
SOLD: Surskit

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Dragonite is 3$!
SOLD: Dragonite

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Dewgong, Gengar, Nidoqueen and Nidoking are 3$ each!
SOLD: Dewgong, Gengar

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Jolteon, Flareon, Ninetales, Salamence and Flygon are 4$ each!
SOLD: Ninetales, Jolteon, Flareon, Flygon

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Blaziken and Mightyena are 3$ each!
SOLD: Blaziken

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Top right are regulars, so they are 0.50$ each, others are 2$, except Latis are 4$ each!
SOLD: Relicanth

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Skitty is 3$!

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Top right are regular and 0.50$ each, others are 2$ each!
SOLD: Aron

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Top right are regular and 0.50$ each, others are 2$ each, except Breloom, Linoone and Absol are 3$ each!
SOLD: Linoone, Absol, Breloom, Tropius

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Top right are regular and 0.50$ each, others are 2$ each, except Salamence is 3$!

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$!

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Top left are regular and 0.50$ each, others are 2$ each, except beast trio are 3$ each and Milotic is 4$!

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Meganium and Typhlosion are 3$ each!

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Bottom are regular and 0.50$ each, others are 2$ each, except Slowking is 3$!

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Tyranitar, Feraligatr and Ampharos are 3$ each!
SOLD: Feraligatr, Togetic, Ninjask

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Blaziken, Kingdra, Spinda&Torchic and attacking Swampert are 3$ each!

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Absol, Armaldo, MrMime&Meowth are 3$ each and Poochyena&Meowth is 4$!
SOLD: Absol, Seviper, Mr Mime

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Zangoose, Skarmony, Banette and Skitty&Pichu are 3$ each!

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Zigzagoon is 3$!
SOLD: Zigzagoon, Vibrava, Tropius

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$!

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Blaziken is 3$ and Altaria is 4$!
SOLD: Blaziken

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Slowpoke&Staryu and Metagross&Plusle are 3$ each and Milotic and Gardevoir are 4$ each!

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Lugia and Blaziken are 3$ each!
SOLD: Blaziken

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Charizard is 3$!

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! Each is 2$, except Latis are 3$ each!

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! These I have already cut out! Each is 2$, except Lapras and Salamence are 3$ each!

Crystal, glittery and mirror stickers! These I have already cut out! Each is 2$, except Nidoking and Absol are 3$ each and Raichu is 4$!
SOLD: Absol, Raichu, Eevee

Regular Amada stickers! These I have already cut out! Each is 0.50$!

Front covers of albums! Each is 3$!

Front covers of albums! Each is 3$!
SOLD: Blue with Lucario


I still have over 800 Amada stickers in possession, so please ask if you are interested in certain Pokemon and I will take some pictures for you!
Each from the album is 0.50$, and the new originally packaged Amadas are 0.75$ each!
SOLD: Kirlia, Dunsparce, Feraligatr, Eevee, Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Umbreon, Espeon, Lucario, Poochyena, Politoed, Ninetales, Vulpix, Togetic, Growlithe, Aerodactyl, Whiscash


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