Title: Her Heart Got In The Way
Series: Axis Powers Hetalia
Words: ~1,300
Characters: Ukraine ; Canada (mentions of Russia and Belarus ; Canada/Ukraine)
Rating: PG
Warnings: kisses ; mentions of violence.
Summary: Written for
chromatic_coma's birthday. Ukraine has a choice to make--to stay or to leave. Can Canada help her make the decision?
She knew she was making poor decisions, but she just couldn’t stop herself. Logic told her to do one thing, but her heart got in the way. )
Comments 4
ahaha, the last line was sweet because she was just staying with Canada even though she knew she should be going to prepare. ^^; very nicely written. =)
I'm going to be super nit-picky (sorry), and say that Canada was the first Western nation to recognise Ukraine's independence. I believe the very first was Poland. Sorry.
Plus, I thought describing Canada as having "quiet strength" just summed him up so well.
Wonderful! ^_^
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