(no subject)

Aug 29, 2006 23:03

Araeph has many computer woes, it is true. They'll all go away in about a week, when she goes back to college, but for now, you're getting a golden oldie.

By the way, I have for you an alternate ending to the sordid tale of Skylar James.

TITLE: Disenchanted

CULPRIT: a real life fallen angel

BEST LINE: Mary, Mother of God! This is a burning catastrophe of a fic, with many mistakes to be salvaged from its wreckage. Here is a small sample. (At least five of these will be appearing on the Worst Lines in the Caribbean. Which ones do you like best?)

- Abi rested her head oh his chest.

- "Jack. I little help." shouted Will, who was having trouble with the helm.

- “Bo! Will help me move him to the other ship?” The pirate nodded his head as genteelly pulled the man to his feet and put his arm around his neck.

- Inside there was once a white shirt that has become yellow with time. Abi picked it up and slowly brought it to her nosie.

- The man had a brown bread and dark eyes.

- Abi sat in the bath... Once she was down she picked up a bottle of rum that was beside the tube and she swung it back.

- They all circled around Abi and Pintel who were arm wrestling. You could see their vains popping out of their wrist.

- Inside was: an extra flock, her father's journal, the jar filled with beads, and her mother's gold ring, which was given to Rose from her husband.

- She opened it and saw that no one was blow deck.

- "Www...What am I doing her?" she manged to get out.

- Will stopped at one chart and ordered two small loaves of sweet bread.

- Will looked at her with smypathy. She just gave him the 'I don't want your smypathy' look.


NAME: Abi "The Black Rose"
HAIR: Now, this is strange. First, she's described as having brown curly hair, but later on it's wavy black hair.

DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: She has a pirate brand, as well as a tattoo of a black rose on the back of her neck. It strikes me as odd that she would get a black rose...wasn't that ugly blue color the only tattoo ink they had back then?

Oh, and because I knew you'd all miss it: "She is the most beautiful child I've ever seen." That's Jack, by the way, talking about how his "beautiful wife" gave birth to a daughter.

OH SO SPESHUL POSSESSIONS: "She grabbed the small bag that was the remainer of her belongings. Inside was: an extra flock, her father's journal, the jar filled with beads, and her mother's gold ring, which was given to Rose from her husband." A flock inside a bag? Maybe she has secret canon connections to Mary Poppins.

OBNOXIOUS AND/OR IMPLAUSIBLE CANON CONNECTIONS/AFFILIATIONS: Will's True Love from childhood who has brown curly hair and stole his pirate medallion. Oh, and who's not Elizabeth in disguise. She is also Jack's daughter and Barbossa's protégée.

SOOPER SPESHUL ABILITIES: She can beat Pintel at arm-wrestling. Maybe she and Marieah "I-can-throw-a-230-pound-man-through-a-wall" Turner can battle it out.

TRAGIC PAST: After finding out that her father has died:
Will got up and picked her up by the arm. She stood up then wrapped her arms around him as if she was never going to let go.

After a good ten minutes standing there in the rain. She finally let Will go. He smiled at he weakly "Let get you home and dried off." She nodded her head as will wrapped his arm around her and they started walk back. She rest her head on his shoulder as they walked.

When they reached the home, Abi walk right up to her mother's room and gave her mother a big hug. Rose didn't care that she was shoked to the bone, she just need her daughter to hold her. They both sat in the room crying together for their loss.

And, because one MIA parent just isn't enough of a tear-jerker:

She sat on the bed and started to tickle her mother and said "Mother breakfast is ready."

There was no movement from Rose. Abi looked at her mother's pale face "Mother, wake up." Abi began to shake her mother violently. "No don't do this to me.' She screamed. Then she got up and ran outside across the empty street and barged into the Turner's home.

The "Plot": Abi the Sue believes her father to be dead. Naturally, this will turn out to be a plot point later on. None of these Sues ever has a father who dies and stays dead with no traumatic impact on the Sue's life. Is it just me, or do these authors all completely dismiss the fact that Will Turner lost his mother at an early age and hasn't seen his father since childhood, yet he manages to be a well-adjusted, polite, and non-angsty young man? If they're all such strong characters, why do their pasts affect them so much?

Back to the plot, though. I keep having to drag myself back, because honestly, I really have no inclination to find out exactly how Will and Elizabeth are going to fall out of love this time to make way for a new original female character. There is something distinctive to this one, though, and that's the fact that Abi actually moves in with Will Turner for a brief space after her father dies. If you ask me, a childhood playfellow that Will actually lived with would be less likely to spawn a romantic relationship, since little Will would look upon her as a sister. Abi doesn't get to enjoy Will's company for very long, though, before she is shipwrecked (oh, how sad) and is brought aboard the Black Pearl under Barbossa's command. What is the villainous pirate captain's reaction to having a little girl on board? Why, he takes her under his wing, of course! That's the natural pirate reaction, don't you know. He decides to brand her so that she'll be a real pirate, or something. It sounds like Abi's joining a gang and she has to get her initiation tattoo, or something. Suethor, this is not a little hot skin-this is a brand. *shakes head* Oh, well. At least we know that logically, since Will hated pirates with a passion at the start of PotC 1, there's no way he'd become familiar with one. It's a small comfort, I know.

NOTES: Regardless of its lack of literary merit, this fic does have one fabulous line:

Everyone on the ship was silent and all staring at the three. Abi was looking at Jack who was looking at Norrington. Norrington was looking from Jack and then to Abi. He didn’t know what to say. Jack smiled weakly “Do put her life to an end.”

I think the author meant "don't", but who are we to second-guess? Now, to imagine a fitting demise...

In which everyone grabs everyone else.

"OW" sceamed a little girl "Mother, your pulled my hair." she said as her mother brushed her hair. "Opps, sorry darling." said the mother as she hugged her from daughter from behind. Her head rested on the girl shoulder. The boy shoulder wore an epaulet, which made head-resting a bit uncomfortable. They both stared into the mirror. "You look so much like your father." said the mother. As she kiss the girls cheek.

The young girl looked up at her "I miss father, when is he coming home?" The mother smiled weakly "Soon, he will be home soon." Then the mother finished brushing the girls brown curly hair.

As the mother was finishing braiding the girls hair, there was a knock on the door. The girl got up and ran to awnser the door.

"Sarah!" the girl cried with excitment as she gave the woman a hug. " Hello, Abigail." said the woman with a big but weak smile "How are you?" Abigail smiled "I'm great." Sarah looked up as Abi's mother was right behind her. "Rose, how are you?" The young mother smiled "I'm good, thank you. How are you, Sarah? " The woman just smiled weakly.

She brought herself down to Abi's height "Why don't you put your coat on and go with Will to market. He will buy you a treat." The girl look up at her mother with pleding eyes. Rose smiled and nodded her head. Abi then ran and grab her coat and pulled it over her shoulders and ran outside.

Sarah smiled at Rose weakly, as the young mother invited her in. "Rose, I have some bad news."

Abi walk outside and saw Will sitting on a bench playing with something in his hand. As he saw the girl he smiled and got up; while puting what was in his hand, in his pocket.
"Will!" said the girl with excitement. The two have been friend as long as they could remember. Even thou Will spacelogic? I think this one's for you. was three year older then Abigail. The boy smiled "Hello Abi." The stood there smiling at one another for a good minute with out saying a thing. Because young children, unaccompanied by adults, often stand still for long periods of time without speaking.

Will grabed the girl's hand and started to walk down the street. Will then stundenly stopped in the middle of the street, getting run over by a passing carriage. "I'm almost forgot," he pulled something out of his pocket "look what my father sent me." Abi look at it and smiled "It's beautiful." Will smiled "Would you like to hold it?" Abi looked at him in amazment, then nodded her head. He put the gold chain around her neck and let hang on her chest. That medallion is the only thing he has left of his father, and he just lends it to this girl? That's something a kindergartener would do, sort of like lending one's five-year-old friends 12 pairs of Grandma's earrings. But Will's supposed to be thirteen. Will grabed her hand again and started walking down the street.

As the reached the market, the looked around at all the neat things that were there. Will stopped at one chart which showed the quarterly sales statistics and ordered two small loaves of sweet bread. Abi looked at all the goodies that was on the chart: three different kinda of breads, rolls, sweet bread, pies, and plain oats for those who want to make their own bread. Mmm, bread from 100% oats. They sure made a lot of that in Port Royal. The baker then put the sweet bread in a brown bag and handed it to Will. Will handed him the money.

The two started to walk away from the market. Will again stopped in the middle of the street. He open the bag and gave Abi one of the loaves. Then grabed the other for himself. They started walking again eating the sweet bread.

Will looked up at the sky and saw rain clouds "It going to rain soon we should hurry." Abi had just finished her treat. This is a fandom filled with pirates, soldiers, monsters, cannons...and we're on the third paragraph of The Tale of Two Kids Getting a Snack. Will grabed her hand and was about to ran. Abi stopped him "Wait, before I forget." she took off the medalion and put around her friend's neck. Then they ran together to her home.

Abi opened the door and walked into her home, Will followed closely behind. Abi headed for the kitchen but as she walked by she glaced into her mother's room and saw her crying. She stood in the doorway and watched in confusion. She looked at the kitchen table and saw Sarah sitting there. Sarah beckoned her to come.

Abi went to her and the woman grab her hands. "What wrong with mother? she askes Will's mother. Abi could hear will behind her. "Your mother is sad." the woman said. Abi look into her mother's room "Why is she sad?"she looked back at the woman. Sarah look down at Abi's hands "Darling, I have some news on your father." Abi got all excited, but then looked back at her mother and realized what was going on.
She shook her head and started to back up "No, his not. He said he was going to come back for me." She backed up some more. Sarah looked at the girl with sad eyes "I'm sorry Abigail"

Tear swelled up, turning purple and puffy, in the child's eyes as she turned around and ran out the door.
Sarah got up "William, will you go after her?" Will nodded his head and ran outside. He looked down the street and saw a small figure ranning RANNING?! as the rain started pouring down. He started running after her. The street were clearing and everyone was headed into their homes.

He saw her in the middle of the road, kneeling in the mud, hunched over and shaking. Whereupon a second carriage came by, the horse reared up, and...stomp! See, transportation doesn't stop just because it's raining, Sue. Will ran up to her and hugged her from behind. He held her close trying to stop her from shaking. His head rested on her back as she cried her heart out.

Will got up and picked her up by the arm. She stood up then wrapped her arms around him as if she was never going to let go.

The year is 1657, apparently."

I hope you like this Chapter. I'm pretty proud of it. Please review and tell me what you think. Thank you DarkAngelPeral for being my first reviewer.

Two months have passed since the Abi was told about her father's death. She sat on the floor in her bedroom as she look through an old chest. Inside there was once a white shirt that has become yellow with time shifts, like the one to present tense. Abi picked it up and slowly brought it to her nosie. *snicker* Then she gently placed it to the side of the chest. She picked up a glass jar and saw many different kinds of beads inside of it. She set that aside aswell. Then she picked up an old leather book, then got up to go to her mother room.

Meanwhile, Rose looked in the mirror as she poured herself another glass of rum. She took a small vile Muahahaha! and pour the substance into the drink. Then she drank the rum. She was startled when she heard a tiny knock on the door. "Come in" she said.
The door opened and Abi stood in the doorway "Can you read to me from father's journal?" Picking up on our literacy conversation from the other day...I really don't see a late 17th/early 18th century working class woman knowing how to read. Rose looked at her daughter "Again?" The little girl nodded her head. "Alright." said the girls mother "Lets crawl into the bed." the girl nodded her head again.

They cuddled in the middle of the bed. Rose randomly opened the book and read...

"June 10 1657,That date's a little early, don't you think? One more day, one more day till I'm with my family again. My beautiful Rose and wonderful Abigail. It has been over nine month since I last saw them. Both of them are my angels. I still wonder why Rose would love someone like me and how I could be the father of the bightest girl there is. Even if I'm not too bight myself. She makes me so proud. I want to her soar high in the clouds.

Everytime I leave, I'm afraid of the day that I don't return. But I will worry about that when that day comes.

Abi will be turning seven soon, I hope I'm able to stay for it. I have missed so many birthdays that I need to make up for. There are the days were I think I should give up the business, but it's to late now it runs in my blood.'

Abi stopped her mother from reading "What was his business mother?" she looked at her daughter "You know what he did. He was a merchant sailor. Just like your grandfather." The girl smiled weakly "Oh yeah... Can you read the last page again?" Rose smiled at her daughter. "Of Course..."

"June 21 1658, Today I am home with my family. It's Abi's eight birhtday and this journal is her birthday present. My Dear Abigail, I started this journal when you were born. I know I was going to spend so much time away from you and I wanted you to know who I am. So this is for you, my thoughts from the past eight years. I just wanted you to know how much I love you. And how much I wish I was beside you everyday of your life, but things don't always turn out how we want them to be. Be good to your mother. You make me proud Abi. Love your Father" Verily, I am moved to tears by this wonderfully realistic and true-to-canon portrayal of how Jack Sparrow would write.

A tear fell from Rose eyes as she held her daughter close "I'm sorry" She whispered into her daughters ear, as she held her closer. Abi looked at her in confusion but then shruged it off because she was too tired. "I will always love you." Rose whispered as Abi fell asleep in her arms.
Abi woke up with a small smile on her lips. She saw that her mother was still sleeping so she slowly got up and went to the kitchen. She cut two slices of beard and put a thin slice of cheese on them. She brought them on a plate into the room. She sat on the bed and started to tickle her mother and said "Mother breakfast is ready."

There was no movement from Rose. Abi looked at her mother's pale face "Mother, wake up." Abi began to shake her mother violently. "No don't do this to me.' She screamed. Then she got up and ran outside across the empty street and barged into the Turner's home.

"Sarah!" she yelled through the house. Sarah walked out of her room with a housecoat wrapped around her. She saw the tears in the girls eyes "What is it? What wrong?" the girl looked at her with no expression on her face "She won't wake up."

Will, Abi and Sarah ran to the house. Sarah rushed into the room, while Will and Abi waited in the doorway. Sarah shook Rose. Then she looked back at the children. She glanced at the desk. She walked up to it and saw an empty bottle of rum and a vile that was labeled "Laudanum" that was almost empty.

She looked at Abi and saw the saddness and hurt burning in her eyes.

Later that day Will was sitting with Abi while Sarah was dealing with everything.

"She wasn't suposed to do that." was that first thing Will had heard from her all day. He looked at he with suprise "Do what?" Abi looked at her hands "Kill herself. She is supose to be the strong one. She was suposed to always be there for me. She took the easy way out so she wouldn't have to feel the pain." she looked up at Will, not even a tear in her eye. "and she just left me with more." Will looked at her with smypathy. She just gave him the 'I don't want your smypathy' look.

They sold the home and Abi moved in with the Turners.
I know it seem really quick moving but I want to get to the main part of the story. I hope you all like, if not please tell me and I can change it.

It has been over a year since the death of Rose, when Abi and Will found themselves on ship headed South. Will stood on the deck looking over the railing, Abi was glaring at him. "I can't believe you sold everything we owned to get us get us tickets, so we can look for your father. Do not realize that this world is big and will be nearly impossible to find him? He could be anywhere." Will glaced at her "Then way did you come?" Abi looked at the ocean "Your the only family I have left Will, I wasn't going to lose you too." Will smiled at her.

Abi glared at him "Don't we get all mushy with me, I'll have to hurt." Will just laughed at his friend looking back at the ocean.

"Beautiful, isn't it!" A voice came from behind them. Abi and Will turned to face the stranger. Will smiled at the man "Yes, Captain. It is." The man had a brown bread and dark eyes. Still going on about the bread, now, are we? He leaned on the railing between Will and Abi. "Have you ever been out to sea?" He asked the two. They both shook their heads. "No, but our father were merchant sailors." said Abi.

"Wait," said the brown-breaded man. "One father used to be sailors, plural?"

"...He underwent mitosis."


The man looked at the young girl with kind eyes. "Are they not anymore?" Abi shook her head "My father died and we are looking for his."

"Oh!" said the captain. "I'm sorry for you loss, at such a young age too." Abi gave him a weak smile. The man smiled at the two "Well, I hope you enjoy your trip. If you need anything, feel free to ask. I help in anyway I can." Will smiled "Thank you, Captain." The man the walked way to talk to someone else.

"Will what is going to happen if don't find him. We have no money. We don't know anyone. And you are only thirteen. Twelve. I'm merely ten. A little young to traveling alone. What if something happens?" Abi looked at Will with weary eyes. The boy wrapped his arm around her "Don't worry Abi, we'll be fine. Your just going to have trust me. I brought you this far, haven't I?" Abi just looked away "You did. Excuse me." She leff for the cabin.

A month sailing on the ship with the same people was hard for Abi, she wanted to keep to herself and just talked to Will. Will on the other made friend with those on the ship. Him and the young boy kicked a bucket around for their entertainment.

Abi just sat alone on the bed in the cabin. She grabbed the small bag that was the remainer of her belongings. Inside was: an extra flock, her father's journal, the jar filled with beads, and her mother's gold ring, which was given to Rose from her husband. It was too big for Abit to wear it.
She took out her father's jounal and slowly flip through the pages. She couldn't read so she would look at the pictures he draw on edge of the book. Her finger would trace the drawing.

She heard a loud bang, then seconds later she was jolted forward. The candle on the table fell to the ground. Then it happened again, but it sounded closer. The whole ship rocked.

Abi quickly took her book and put in her bag. She pulled the drawstring to close it tightly and then Put the shoulder strap over her right shoulder, making her bag hangin on her left side. She heard another bang. This time a cannon came through her room, two feet away from her head. Darring, Abi look out the hole and saw a black ship.

She quickly jumped off the bed as the ship rocked again. She went to open the door, but it was jammed shut. She the door trying to make it open. Her heart raced, as she heard screaming of the other people on the ship. She went to look at the hole in the ship, she saw people runing up the stairs.

"Help me!" She screamed as the last man was about to go up stairs. He turned and saw the girl. He turned around and looked up the stairs. But his good heart got the best of him. He hurried and ran to the door. He pulled as hard as he could but it u st wouldn't open. He looked at her through the hole "I'm sorry, lass." Then he turned around and ran up stairs.

"Please don't leave me." she yelled. It was to late, he was gone. She looked down at her feet and saw water around her ankles. She turned atound and saw that water was pouring in from the hole.

Meanwhile, William was running around on the deck, looking for Abigail. But with the rush Will was pushed over bored. "Yaaawn. How many times has this scene been replayed in fanfiction?" Will was floating in the water when the ship blow up. He swam to a piece of the ship and rested on it.

Abi found he self floating on the other side of the reckage. Ah, the rare gender-bender. At least, if this one looks "exactly like Will", we'll know why. Drifting farther and farther away on a door. She looked around and saw the Black ship as she was floating close to it. But then her world became black.

Pintel walked into the Captain room carrying a small girl in his arms. Ragetti followed behind carrying a bag. "Captain?" Pintel said with a shaky voice. The dark pirate turned around to face them "What do ya want?" Pintel look back at Ragetti quickly then back at the Captain. "We found her over board, Cap. She still alive but need some attention. What? Since when do marauding pirates spare children? Or give them any healthy kind of "attention"? She badly wounded." The Captain look at the unconscious child. Then looked up at the two "Throw her over board." Pintel looked at the man in shock "Cap?"

The man turned around and went back looking at his maps. Ragetti step forward and drop the wet bag on the table "This is her, Sir." The Captain rolled his eyes and opened the bag. He pulled out the flock and threw it on the floor. Already, the sheep were leaving droppings in his cabin. Then he pulled out the journal, wish was wet, but still readible. Looking at the book he smiled "Wait." Pintel and Ragetti were walking away, they stop and turned around.

"Get her fixed up." he comanded. Pintel and Ragetti looked at each other in confusion. "Do it now?" barked the Captain.
When they left the Captain looked through the pages of the journal. A smile creeped upon his face. He closed the book then put it in the drawer of his night stand. Night stand, on a pirate ship?

Pintel laid the girl on a cot. He searched her body for any bad wounds. The only serious ones where a large gash on her right thigh and a gash on her forehead. The rest were just brusies. The pirate gently cleaned the wound and wrapped them up, getting her wounds even filthier in the process, since he wasn't used to frequent bathing. "Who does she remind you of?" he asked his friend, Ragetti. "Don't know, someone, just don't know who." The two left the girl on the bed and went to rejoin the crew.

Two hours have passed, Abigail slowly opened her eyes. She looked around and realize she was not in the small place. Her heart started to race. She sat herself, but winced in pain as she did. She swinged her legs over the bed very slowly. She stood up and limped to the door. She opened it and saw that no one was blow deck. She hobled along and went up the stairs. She could tell that it was night and the moon was shining.

She looked around and saw skeleton's everywhere she looked. Her heart started to race faster. She wanted to scream but no sound came out of her. One grabed her by the arm and brought her to the captain cabin. She saw a man looking over his maps. He turned to face the girl "Welcome to the Black Pearl, missy."

"Www...What am I doing her?" she manged to get out. The day that you misspell two words in a ten-word sentence is the day you need to look into some remedial writing. "If it wasn't for my men, you'd be dead. They found floating in the middle of the ocean." Of course, if it weren't for his men, she wouldn't be floating in the ocean in the first place. he said as he placed his hand on her shoulder. Aww, Barbossa's being soft and cuddly. Everyone knows that he's much better that way! *headdesk* "What are those, out there?" she asked as the hair stood up on the back of her neck. "Missy, we are cursed men." She looked at him. "How so?" Then the captain sat her on his bed and told the story of how they became cursed. ( I would write the story down, but you all know how it goes.) May all authors utter these words any time they think of creating another Sue.

She stared at him in bewilderment "What does this have to do with me?" She asked. The Captain put his arm around her Maybe it's just my paranoia over Marina Vanilla's romantic pairing, but this repeated gesture, coming from Barbossa, strikes me as more than a little creepy.

"Nothing, your just along for the ride. Now I will give you two choice: you can stay with us and learn how to become a pirate and be skillful with sword or we can throw you over board in the middle of the ocean. Your choice." She looked at him "I think I'll choose the first one."

The Captain smiled "Good choice. Now what be your name?" She smiled "Abi" The Captain looked at her "You need something more daring than that. How about Dark Angel Annie or The Black Rose?" She looked at the ground "My mother's name was Rose." The Captain smiled "Then how about it, Black Rose." She smiled and nodded her head. "Captain Barbossa." he said while giving her his hand. She looked at is "Black Rose." and she shook his hand. Ah, Black Rose. That takes me back.

"You can sleep here in my cabin tonight, Rose, *vomit* but tomorrow we will find you an other place to sleep." He got up and left the room.

Sue gets a pirate brand...the uncanonical way."

He lead he to a building, as they walked in a small man walked up to the captain "Barbossa, is that you?" He said in a Indian acent. "The one and only." said the captain "I come for a favor. I have someone her how needs branding." *cough* You're right, she does, but...correct me if I'm wrong...isn't he supposed to be her guardian? A pirate brand is a death sentence to anyone discovered with it. Why would he brand her intentionally if he liked her? he turned to Abi and motioned her to come forward. She stepped forward. "She needs the pirate mark." It's not a sizzling badge of courage! It's a sign of disgrace! he said. Abi was not sure of this she looked at him confused.

The short Indian man told her to sit on the chair and put her arm on the table. She did what he said. Barbossa stood behind her. The man pulled a rod out of the coals. "You have to be very still." he said. A fifteen-year-old would just sit still, all by herself, while she was getting red-hot metal pressed into her skin. Yep. Abi saw the rod had a "P" at the end and it was red hot. He placed it on her skin, just above her wrist. She winced in pain. No, she didn't. She screamed and begged for him to stop and cried for her mama, before passing out from the pain.

Abi looked at her arm and there was a burnt "P" mark on it. The movie has Jack's brand on his forearm for aesthetic purposes only. This is a fic; therefore, nothing need be done so that it looks good on screen. If she's really so brave, have her get a forehead brand like everyone else. "Does this mean I'm offically a pirate?"

Barbossa nodded his head. "Do you want anything else? A tattoo perhaps." Abi smiled at him.

Abi had got a tattoo on the back of her neck, just under her right ear. It was a picture of a black rose.

Adventures in bathing.

Sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be longer, way longer. I promise. NOOOOOOOO! Thank you all for at the great reviews.

Abi sat in the bath scrubbing a month worth of dirt on her body. If you look around, you can just see all of those washtubs on the Pearl, piled on top of one another and dust-free from constant use. But seriously...what is she going to bathe in, the mop bucket? Once she was down she picked up a bottle of rum that was beside the tube and she swung it back. She put the bottle back down and wipe her mouth with back of her hand. She looked at at journal that was sitting on the side table. She picked up the bottle again and swung it back again. Then picked up her father's book.

She turned to the first page and started to read
" June 21, 1650, Today my beautiful wife gave birth to the most beautiful child I have ever seen. Who know that one day I, Jack Sparrow would have a child. My daughter's name is Abigail after her grandmother. I would give anything to keep her safe even my life..."

Tears dropped from her eyes as she read on. She put the book down and had another chug of rum, finishing up the rest of the rum. There will be no hallelujahs from this one's liver...except maybe on its way to the pearly gates. Her head was spinning. She dropped the bottle, and it shattered to peices. Then she stared at the ceiling.

There was a sudden knock at the door. She quickly sat up in the tub. "Whaddo ya want?" She called out. A voice came from behind the door. " We are going to attack a port soon. Are you ready?" Abi show got out of the bath. "Rose?" said the pirate on the other side of the door. "Yeah. I will be right there." She yelled.

She quickly dried herself and dressed. Her sword was at her waist on one side her loaded gun on the other. She then opened the door and stumbled out of the room.

Abi stood beside Barbossa as he gave the orders. He looked at her, then back to the crew, then back at her. He could see that her eyes were glossy and her face was flushed. "Rose, have you been drinkin' again?" She looked at him and started to laugh. "Only alittle" She leaned in so she was only an inch away from the captains face.

"To the boats, Lads" The captain shouted. Abi started going with them, but Barbossa grabbed her by the arm to stop her from going. "No, I don't think it is a good idea if you go." She broke free from his grasp. "No, I am going. I will be fine." she said with a slight slur. Then she turned around and jumped in the same boat as Pintel and Ragetti. All this, after an entire bottle of rum. Did those fangirls not notice when Jack started to chug the rum and ended up passing out? And I'm sure he could hold his liquor a helluva lot better than his fifteen-year-old progeny.

When they got to shore, Abi jumped out and started to fight the officers that were there. Pintel and Ragetti seperated from her, as she fought. Her fighting was sloppy since saw was intoxicated. She did manage to kill on officer. Right after she was hit over the head and her world became black. Her world seems to do that a lot.


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