Title: You Found Me Pairing: Adam/Kris Rating: PG-13 Warning: Slash, past minor character death Words: 11,986 Disclaimer: This is all made up. Never happened and never will. Summary: Like everything else in his life, this wasn't planned.
Title: You Found Me Pairing: Adam/Kris Rating: PG-13 Warning: Slash, past minor character death Words: 11,986 Disclaimer: This is all made up. Never happened and never will. Summary: Like everything else in his life, this wasn't planned.
Title: If I Had You Pairing: Adam/Tommy Rating: PG/PG-13 Warnings: Slash Words: 4860 Disclaimer: I don't know Adam or Tommy nor am I making any money off of this. This is just for fun. Summary: Tommy invites Adam out for a romantic evening alone together. Or that could be wishful thinking on Adam's part. He can still pretend though right? Authors Note:
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