
Aug 11, 2008 13:00

Mondays are lame.

To not bore everyone with wedding details and non-my wedding details but things that strike my wedding fancy, I will not post any of that on here. Instead, I will post it here, in case you might be interested in all the hoopla (like how FMiL went and booked the room without D. seeing it! Yeah, that's about as much fun as you ( Read more... )

tmi: health, books: twilight, tmi: wedding, the suck: work

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Comments 10

tiggz August 11 2008, 18:07:36 UTC
And now I'm STILL on New Moon because I can't get into it at all. And it's kind of boring

how far into it are you? because once Jacob shows up it gets one million times better. i promise.

a leading teen who is far too melodramatic for her own good and way too into him and a leading vamp who is kind of - or really a lot, actually - creepy and stalkerish.

oh thank god, you're sane. i can't believe more people don't see him that way.


heather13 August 25 2008, 14:13:30 UTC
I haven't picked it up in a few weeks. Maybe I should try again. I just got to the part where she got the motorcycles and they're going to fix them up.

Edward is WEIRD.

Um, is that Jacob in your icon? Hel-lo!!! There are Bella/Jacob and Bella/Edward ships, right? I can totally see myself being swayed to Jacob. Not only does he treat her like a human being and isn't a condescending prick who stalks her but he seems to really have affection for her. Maybe the idea of them will get me into the book because the idea of more B/E does nothing for me.


isabellecs August 11 2008, 19:01:19 UTC
The best way to do the Twilight series, for me, was in audio book because I couldn't get into them either. I am still avoiding New Moon =/


heather13 August 25 2008, 14:14:51 UTC
Audio book, huh? I've never tried that before. New Moon is tedious. And with what I hear, it doesn't get much better...not exactly the best selling point when you're already having trouble wanting to finish the stupid series!


isabellecs August 25 2008, 14:17:48 UTC
Yeah, I rented the book from my library and I heard it on my way to work each morning. I finished it in like a week and a half.


blanche_ August 11 2008, 19:06:12 UTC
Yes, I know what you mean about Twilight. I liked the first book, but by the second book you really can't ignore all the issues anymore. Like how Bella is way too obsessed with Edward and so on. And from what I've heard it's not getting any better. So I will probably not even bother with the 3rd and 4th book. Espeacially since what I've heard about the 4th book make it sound like a bad fanfic.


heather13 August 25 2008, 14:16:36 UTC
Unfortunately, I bought the 3rd book with the second because I figured it would continue to be, at the very least, enjoyable. It's never rocked my world or made me go all squee crazy but I thought it was good for what it was but WOW. BELLA. OMG. She's is so crazy about Edward and I don't really see the appeal - in general - but especially with her because he can be kind of a dick to her when he wants. I've heard nothing good about the 4th book. Eek!


jainaj August 13 2008, 19:58:28 UTC
i'm going to see dark knight at the imax on saturday :D granted it's my second viewing, but dude, imax! it's going to rock :D

and i love hearing about wedding talk. you're officially the second person on my FL planning a wedding. love it!


heather13 August 25 2008, 14:17:58 UTC
How was it in IMAX??? We're apparently NEVER going to see the GD movie! ARRRRRRGHGHGH!

Wedding is very exciting! I'll probably do little updates here and there but the majority will be on word press instead. I get a very anti-wedding vibe from the majority of my flist. Oh well!


jainaj August 25 2008, 20:06:05 UTC
it was AWESOME at the IMAX! I mean seriously brilliant. Though the close quarters hand to hand fight sequences on that large a screen made my eyes hurt a little! they were moving so fast, my eyes couldn't adjust. But the big city scape scenes were ... OMG boootiful. It felt like you were IN the city.

You're the second, possibly third, person on my flist planning a wedding and i love it. I want to hear more! One of my very good friends is getting married next september, it's going to be awesome!

So yes... more wedding stuff please :D


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