
Aug 11, 2008 13:00

Mondays are lame.

To not bore everyone with wedding details and non-my wedding details but things that strike my wedding fancy, I will not post any of that on here. Instead, I will post it here, in case you might be interested in all the hoopla (like how FMiL went and booked the room without D. seeing it! Yeah, that's about as much fun as you can imagine!) You're welcome ;) Changed my mind!
So, the last time I posted I wrote about how the queen of all things evil, tlace, got me to read Twilight, even though I had absolutely no intention to ever read it. EVER. But then I did it anyway and kind of liked the first one. And now I'm STILL on New Moon because I can't get into it at all. And it's kind of boring. And I can't believe I'll have 2 more of these things left to read when I'm done with this one. It's over 1,000 pages of mediocre writing with a leading teen who is far too melodramatic for her own good and way too into him and a leading vamp who is kind of - or really a lot, actually - creepy and stalkerish. Yeah, I got the tingly feeling a little bit in the first novel but it's completely gone now. Mostly because Bella won't shut the hell up about being (not) dead and not caring about anything. OMG WHATEVER SHUT UP.

It's seriously like trying to get through LOST season 2 or Gilmore Girls season 6 or Buffy season 6/7. Almost every character annoys me and I want to smack them all BUT I have to know what will happen so I continue to torture myself.
I am paying my mother to clean our apartment. She needs money and I am so not in the mood to deal with the real cleaning it needs. I'm usually really good about keeping the place tidy but lately, I just haven't had it in me. And it's not like he's going to help. He'll just bitch about it. YAY! For the rest of my life. Goody goody!
We have still not seen Batman - I know! But we were waiting for IMAX so I hope we can see that this weekend. Although I'm kind of all about Tropic Thunder. Is anyone going to see that? I figure all the RDJ fangirls must be at the very least curious to see how he does playing, essentially, Don Cheadle.
I have so much work to do and zero ambition to do it. My public speaking class is going well. I only have 4 classes left. I won another pen last week for outstanding performance (aw, yeah!) and I literally had to act like a spaz and be full of ENTHUSIASM!! Whatever, I made me people laugh and I actually had just a tiny bit of fun. For the last class, we're supposed to bring guests - family, co-workers, etc. - and he would like to have a room between 50-100 people to see how we do in that situation. F-U-N! The following week after that will be my now annual trip to Indianapolis for a conference. Yay, Bucca and white chocolate bread pudding!!!
One last thing: I recently got sucked into an informercial (shush!) about Zumba. And I totally ordered it. It looks like fun! Has anyone heard of it and/or tried it?

tmi: health, books: twilight, tmi: wedding, the suck: work

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