cinderelly, cinderelly

Jan 30, 2007 09:25

I am exhausted. And I knew, obviously, that living with D. would be...different. Tiring, sure, but MY GOD. Getting up early to get to work is one thing and who cares, it's no big deal but between non-stop working at work (except for right now because FUCK IT) and just cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry, blah blah blah - I need a ( Read more... )

tv: heroes, tmi: the aparment, tmi: the boy, tmi: life, tv: spn, tv: grey's anatomy, tv: vm, tv whore, tv: gilmore girls, the suck: work

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Comments 14

tlace January 30 2007, 19:07:11 UTC
I don't know how my grama has done it for 55 years. She rocks.

Kidding. I've done it for 11 years and I still love Kirk. He hates ME but, you know, I've worn him down and he no longer has the strength to run away ;)

Why you gotta be HATIN' on Eric B?!! You don't seem wishin' death on Rena Sofer and she SUCKS ASS!!


heather13 January 30 2007, 21:45:37 UTC
See that buffy icon? She's killing the Balfour! He looks like Satan. Thank GOD he was only in the first two eps of Buffy. OMG would life be different ;)

Rena Sofer kicked ASS when she was on General Hospital and I was 14! She has a daytime EMMY and you KNOW what that means!

I've worn him down and he no longer has the strength to run away ;)
I think this is D's current MO. He's like why do you hate me? why don't you love me anymore? It's sweet and everything but SHUT IT.

I am such a bitch.


debalita January 30 2007, 19:26:19 UTC
Hi there! It's so good to see you post. Which I seriously need to do...just keep putting it off.

You're on season 2 of 24? I just started season 1 and I'm loving it!

Just checked out your wallpapers and they are lovely! Very. :o)


heather13 January 30 2007, 21:48:20 UTC
It's easy to put it off. It's hard to post. It is my motto, it is my life.

Season 1 is SO AWESOME! You know how he says The following takes place between 11:00 am and 12:00 pm? I seriously get shivers every single time. His voice is yummy. I fully intended to only watch season 1 to just get an idea and I got totally hooked and watched the second. I'm dying for the rest but I'll wait until the current season is over so I'll have some to watch when it isn't on.



debalita January 30 2007, 22:48:12 UTC
I would've never thought it to be true before but there is something very sexy about KS's voice. So yes I totally get that "oooooooh" feeling when they begin the episode. I'm wondering, do they do that throughout the whole season 2 as well? And, aren't they at Season 6 now? I have a hella lot of catching up to do! But I am on a mission to do it'll happen. YAY!!!


heather13 January 31 2007, 15:48:25 UTC
The second season doens't have the "the day of the presidential primary" just the times which he apparently did until the 3rd season and was like, don't we have the times by now? Which is kind of funny.

It's season 6 now and even though I didn't watch 3-5 yet, I'm not really having any issues with knowing what's goign on. What I love about 24 is that for the most part, it's pretty self-contained within each season. It's nice to just be able to watch a show. You have to watch each episode but you don't have to watch every single season if you don't want.


slayground January 31 2007, 01:25:28 UTC
Yay updates, yay papers, yay Prophecy Girl!


heather13 January 31 2007, 16:00:28 UTC
I know how much you love PG!


slayground January 31 2007, 16:06:32 UTC
Oh yeah


disarming January 31 2007, 06:11:15 UTC
I'm so obsessed with 24 right now! I'm not actually watching season 6 yet, I think the suspense could in fact literally kill me. I too had only watched 1 & 2, so I netflix'ed 3-5 and I swear to god I don't leave my house or my tv except to go to work and school. It has hijacked my life. S3 is waaaay my favorite so far so I can't wait till you see! (I say this only partially into s4, and not watching s5 yet so my opinion may change)

Also, Chloe grows on you, I hate hate hated her, but now she's aiight.


heather13 January 31 2007, 16:05:37 UTC
I can't wait to rent s3! I know some things about it but not enough. I do hear that bad things happen to Sherry Palmer which YAY! And that Gina Torres is in it and LOVE her.

S5 is supposed to be beyond excellent.

s6 has been really great. but it's a killer having to wait each week. I much prefer to ripping through the dvds in a couple of days.


debalita January 31 2007, 17:03:50 UTC
Oh well that's good to know. So basically, a season is the equivalent of one whole day. Right?


debalita January 31 2007, 17:11:08 UTC
This question sounded much better in my head. LOL. Anyway what I'm trying to ask is if you do miss a few seasons and you watch the current one you can pretty much get up to speed. Since a season is really only one day.


heather13 January 31 2007, 20:17:56 UTC
Yeah, there's no big "cliff hanger" type things. Well, sort of but I guess they try to contain that day to one day. So the first season happens and the second is 15 months after. The third is 3 years after the 2nd and so on. So right now in the sixth season, it's actually been like 9 years! It's crazy. But if you wanted to just watch the 6th season, you'd be fine. I don't really know anyone on the show right now but you learn quickly.


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