cinderelly, cinderelly

Jan 30, 2007 09:25

I am exhausted. And I knew, obviously, that living with D. would be...different. Tiring, sure, but MY GOD. Getting up early to get to work is one thing and who cares, it's no big deal but between non-stop working at work (except for right now because FUCK IT) and just cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry, blah blah blah - I need a vacation. It's not that he doesn't do anything becuase he totally does. He's a good doobie and I know he's beyond tired, too, as they're trying to unionize at his job and they hate him because he's in HR and he's been working until 9 almost every night. It's only been two months! Some days I just want to pack up and go back home where it was easier. But only because I was (am?) a spoiled brat.

I don't know how my grama has done it for 55 years. She rocks.

Oh! And they got a dog! They got my dog, actually. An adorable 3 year old Lhasa Apso named Lucy. She's had a lot of problems - a major hip surgery and she's apprarently a self-mutilator and took a liking to biting her tail, which had to be removed but she's so frickin' adorable. I'm glad they have something to keep them company.

I have been trying to get the websites organized from I'm putting all the fic on one site and that's been a long process because who has time? I did get to Restless (with 7 new wallpapers!)...although I haven't updated the icons on here. That's a big project.

TV: I stopped watching Dirt (sorry, tlace). I tried but maybe I'm too prudish because it just didn't sit well with me. There's too much tv, anyway, so something had to go.

Heroes? Kicks so much ass. I see George Takei's name and even though I hate Star Trek, I still freaked out like a lunatic because it's GEORGE TAKEI!

24? On the DVD front, I finished season 2 and then 6 started so I'll watch 3-5 over the summer. I used to have a huge crush on Kiefer when I was a youngin' and now it's back and he's all growly and world-saving and everything is so over-the-top awesome and even though I friggin' HATEGRRRR!!! Eric Balfour, I'm not letting him even letting him bother me. I just tell him to die when he comes on screen and I feel better. I'm still on the fence about DB Woodside as the new Pres. Palmer but he's nice to look at. And, maybe because I haven't seen the seasons she's been in, I don't get what the big deal about Chloe is. I think she's wooden and I don't see her and go, "Why, yes! I totally GET it!" In fact, the opposite happens.

And what is up with Rena Sofer being on both those shows? I mean, I loved me some Rena Sofer back in the day when she would have her fake nails and she got Ned Quartermaine to fall in love with her - even though he wasn't really Ned but his rock 'n roll alter ego whose name escapes me right now - and she was great. And she's good here, too, although she hasn't been back to Heroes since and don't pull a Lost on me, Tim! But isn't she sort of a show killer? She makes me nervous.

GG? I hate, hate, hate Christopher. And it's not because Luke&Lorelai4-eva (which, yeah, but I like this earning it thing they're trying out - I just wish she picked another man to rebound marry) - it's because Christopher is an asshole. He just is. He's a spoiled brat and he thinks he BUY everything to make everyone happy and I can see how that might be appealing at first but jesus, don't buy the bridge, Christopher! That's not the point. And I hate his daughter. (Is that awful?) He sucks. Go away. Is it definitely the last season?

VM? I liked it last week. I liked -

I hate my job. I felt like I was actually starting to DO something and then the new lady started - and I won't go into how I feel I should have at least been OFFERED the fucking position because I've only been here 7 god damn years and um, yeah, I know the fucking membership in and out but what the fuck ever. Instead, since she has started, I feel I have been nothing more than a minute taker - a typist and yes, I can type. WOW what a fucking talent that is! But I was doing so much more than that and now I'm back to not even where I was when I started. So they need someone to do minutes for an interview and guess who he asks? And I'm like I already know about it. Apparently, that's all I do now. Type. And he's like well you did such a good job of it at the retreat and i'm like seriously? But now I can't stop crying and I hate this place all over again when, really, it was going pretty okay. I'll be fine tomorrow.

Anyway, VM. I hope they don't start Buffy and Angel-ing Veronica and Logan. I can't take it. Nothing annoys me more than make up and break up every week. Couples exist, tv land! It is a probability. And don't tell me it doesn't make for good, compelling TV. I'm not hearing you.

Office? It just doesn't get any better. There is not one part of it that I don't love. There is not one character that I dislike - even like Ryan - I'm supposed to not like him and so I do! :) I adore Karen - I love this whole K/J/P thing. I can't wait for Thursday. Did anyone else see the preview for the Ben Franklin?

GA? My question is if all this wasn't happening with IW, would they be winning all these awards? I wonder. I think they see this cast that is obviously having its share of issues and they still put out a decent show week after week. It's good - better without the Mere/Der/Addy crap - but I have trouble seeing Burke as Burke and if you know me at all, you know how much I loved Burke. But on a completely superficial note, OMG ADDY AND ALEX!!!! Wheee!

Supernatural? I have decided that the best thing about SPN is the music. Seriously, Styx? Thank you. It always sets the right mood. It always fills in where the dialogue may lag. And will someone, I don't care who, sneak in on Jared Padeleckilookiloo and SHAVE HIS HEAD?!??!! Please? I can't take it.

UB? I still really love it. I watch so much stuff that's so serious and, really, takes itself too seriously that UB is a nice change of pace. I love America, I think Vanessa rocks as Wilhemenia, I adore Amanda and Marc, I hate Hilda with a passion and can not wait until she gets hers (and I know, technically, she's done nothing evil but she's such a hypocrite and a LIAR and what is her deal with Walter? My God!). And let's get this straight, I love Christopher Gorham. I have followed him on more than one crappy show so I'm very happy he's on here with his emo glasses and holy sweetness and total love for Betty. One day I will make and/or acquire some Betty/Henry icons because LOVE.

I should go back to work. Maybe I'll be back later because screw work.

tv: heroes, tmi: the aparment, tmi: the boy, tmi: life, tv: spn, tv: grey's anatomy, tv: vm, tv whore, tv: gilmore girls, the suck: work

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