yankee swap is like machiavelli meets...christmas

Dec 13, 2006 14:12

Why, hello there! I have a break and a computer so I thought I would stop in and, well, be a complete ego-maniac and tell you about me...and, of course, to wish everyone Happy Holidays. I think I want to come back to do all this stuff again, probably, maybe...I don't know. My mood changes every day but with the holidays, I always feel bad not ( Read more... )

tmi: health, tmi: the aparment, etc: websites, tmi: the boy, tmi: life

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Comments 22

fishsanwitt December 13 2006, 19:33:44 UTC
It's wonderful hearing from you :)


heather13 December 21 2006, 14:59:15 UTC
Thanks, hon! I hope all is well with you. One day, I will catch up or try to or something :)


slayground December 13 2006, 19:37:59 UTC
Good vibes to you and your loved ones. Sympathies for the loss of your dog. I'm so, so sorry, hon. I hope that your teeth are shiny and well soon, and that everything works out on the homefront and the workfront.


heather13 December 21 2006, 15:01:22 UTC
Thanks, LW. He was getting old and couldn't really walk that well anymore. I still get all teary-eyed just thinking about it. So I will stop that now ;) I'm in denial about the tooth...which isn't good, actually.


slayground December 21 2006, 15:21:32 UTC
Many good thoughts for you and yours this holiday season.

Know this: If he runs into a beautiful, sassy Siamese cat out there, he'll have a new friend. Twinkie = me in cat form, my best friend from the age of 3 to 17. He'll then see a skittish black cat standing behind Twinkie. That's Spooky.


tlace December 13 2006, 19:56:53 UTC
Woo-hoo! I just caught up on your life :D Although, I did know quite a bit already!

I'm closing my domains too! I'm sort of over it. Which is sort of sad, no? I mean, that's how we met and WOW you're like a HUGE part of my life. *moment of silence for our domains*

Moving on... Please let me know before your domains go bub-bye I'm completely selfish and would like to make sure I've nabbed the caps I need :D

Um, so I sent that pic of Sam to your grandparents, but I'm sure you'll get it.


heather13 December 21 2006, 14:58:30 UTC
Are you closing geeker-joy? I knew about sow but I thought maybe you were considering keeping g-j because I saw the Pam layout (hi, pretty!) and thought maybe you changed your mind.

It IS sad :(

I still have no idea what I'm going to do about the domains. I'm thinking that I may let go of cfb.com and keep gac and the the office, etc. screencaps because I do like being able to have my own space. But I'm still not sure yet.

BTW, I LOVE what you did with your icons on here. I think that's just the coolest and I may just steal it, if I have to, if that's okay with you.

Thank you for the pic of Sam! He's such a little heartbreaker.


lepapillon December 13 2006, 20:10:26 UTC
Ouch about the tooth, sorry to hear about your dog but yay for a new dog, cool a new car! Fun times, and wee for new purchases!

Nice to hear from you. Have a great holiday yourself.


heather13 December 21 2006, 15:03:04 UTC
Thanks! It's a new-old car. I could have bought it new when I graduated high school but hey, it's still good and no car payment which is key to my life.

Hope you are well!


debalita December 13 2006, 22:36:35 UTC
Congrats on the new apt and new tv and bed. My parents bought a new bed that they swear by but it's foam not latex. So I can just imagine the sleeping bliss you're in! Sorry to hear about your tooth - ouch to that! But I am sure it'll be lovely! I'm not sure what kind of car you had...but I've always thought that the Cherokee was a very cool looking car! So I think that rocks! :o)



heather13 December 21 2006, 15:14:42 UTC
Thanks, Deb! I think anything that doesn't have springs is of the good! It is seriously like instant sleep. I try to read before I go to bed and I'm good for about 5 minutes and once I sink in, I'm done for. For a girl who has had trouble sleeping all her life, it is awesome!

Luckily the tooth is a back molar and I'm sure they'll do a great job with it but I need to take out a loan in order to get it fixed and that just seems a bit crazy ;)

I have a Cavalier which is...well, it gets from a to be and that's fine but I love a Jeep and it's old so it's still big and rugged looking which I find to be neat.

I hope you have an excellent holiday and a great week with Jenah!


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