yankee swap is like machiavelli meets...christmas

Dec 13, 2006 14:12

Why, hello there! I have a break and a computer so I thought I would stop in and, well, be a complete ego-maniac and tell you about me...and, of course, to wish everyone Happy Holidays. I think I want to come back to do all this stuff again, probably, maybe...I don't know. My mood changes every day but with the holidays, I always feel bad not being around and not talking to you guys and seeing what's up with you.

So here's some stuff:
  • I am officially living in sin! Woot!
  • Two days after, God smote me and now I have a fractured tooth that will cost $3500 for an implant (because, wouldn't you know dentist don't just pull teeth and leave empty holes anymore??). Awesome.
  • I will have pictures of the apartment - before and after - at some point. I still haven't moved my computer which is part of the reason for the MIA act BUT I also really, really, really want a laptop so I've been dragging my feet on the whole thing.
  • We had two big purchases: a new bed and a new TV. The bed is latex and has no springs which means I can toss and turn and so can he and it isn't noticeable at all. It ROCKS. They're pricey because they're made to order but I have to say I haven't slept so well in a really long time. It's the perfect combination of soft and firm. And we bought a 42-inch HP plasma flat screen and it's gorgeous. We're going to mount it on the wall at some point. It makes TV so much better.
  • We put our dog to sleep. That was a tough day. My mom immediately bought a min-pin and had it flown up from Oklahoma. I haven't seen him yet but his name is Cujo and I got him a t-shirt that says Big Damn Hero on it...because I'm a total nerd. Whatev.
  • I am selling my car and buying a Jeep Cherokee. My stepdad is restoring it and making it all shiny for me. I'm very excited. It came down to either spending $1000 on my car or $1000 on the Jeep. I chose the one that would actually get me through the winter...if that ever starts (NOT that I'm complaining!)
  • I still have not quit my job. Hopefully soon. (this mantra has been transferred from anything regarding the apartment to anything regarding the job)
  • I think I'm closing get-a-cookie.com and cowsforbuffy.com. I'll either use photobucket or here for the icons but I think the screencaps will go bye-bye. I don't want them to but I pay quite a bit of money and I'm just not seeing the benefit of it anymore. And since I'm in debt past my eyeballs, it seems like something frivolous that needs to go.

    In 4 months, you'd think a little more than that would have happened but apparently not. Honestly, so much time and energy was devoted to finishing the apartment (and there are still things that need to be done...trim, closets, etc.) that there hasn't been time for anything else. I've barely been able to talk with tlace and that's only about once a week...on a Friday after The Office because it still rules my life and might be my most favorite thing EVER. But shh...Buffy might hear.

    If I'm not back by the end of the year, I hope you all have an awesome holiday and an even awesomer (it's a word!) new year! I miss you guys!
  • tmi: health, tmi: the aparment, etc: websites, tmi: the boy, tmi: life

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