he even strained the pulp

Mar 19, 2009 18:23

So I'm watching the ultra bad 90210 ep in which Brandon became a "man" and after this momentous occasion happened, he thought the best music to play the morning after would be Glenn Miller's "In the Mood". Hmm. I'm not saying it isn't possible but...this is Brandon we're I'm discussing here and I find that hard to believe. I love the song, I ( Read more... )

tmi: health, tv: 90210, tv: ai, tv: lost

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Comments 1

jenah March 19 2009, 23:43:20 UTC
Hold onto to your wedding invitation fonts because we agree about LOST too. ROFL - if you see my post from this morning you'll see.

I happen to REALLY like Jim/Juliet more than I ever would have thought possible. And I'm a die-hard Jack/Kate as you know, but she is pissing me off HARD right now. Why all of a sudden is she being such a bitch to Jack? HELLO?!

I'm digging the fact that The Island has taken some folks to pre-Ben days to fix stuff. I wonder if it's more of "when" Daniel is...?


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