EyeCon: Banquet Review

Jun 14, 2008 09:15

i got to sit with the awesome girls bobbinrob and hesaysokiedokie :]. if either of you remember anything i left out, please tell me!

dinner with Samantha. details and 3 pics )

bret, pics, robyn is my squishy, j2, matt, jeff labar, jensen, tom, sandy, alona, eyecon review, music, samantha, jdm, eric brittingham, jpad, truckzilla, supernatural, chad, robyn is a sweetheart

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Comments 10

micheleeeex June 14 2008, 14:38:00 UTC
Great review! I want to meet Samantha Ferris!

Ew, that food looks disgusting. O_O



hearts_stars_xo June 14 2008, 14:41:05 UTC
thanks :]
i hope you get a chance to! she's so fun to talk to!

it was! the cake was the only thing that was halfway decent.


lfg1986 June 14 2008, 18:22:58 UTC
Thanks for sharing your review, hon! :D


hearts_stars_xo June 15 2008, 01:28:30 UTC
thanks for reading :]


hesaysokiedokie June 15 2008, 01:34:16 UTC
aww I love reading your review! I think you got everything covered I don't remember anything else you didn't say haha. I hate that pic of me I looked so stupid lol I should have stood up and gotten in the back instead of trying to lean into the pic haha. Matt was so quiet at the table I felt bad for him too being surrounded by all women you guys seem such opposites haha.


hearts_stars_xo June 15 2008, 01:41:45 UTC
thanks :]. yeah i always try to get in every single detail. that's why it takes me so long to post! you do NOT look stupid!

hmm opposites...idk if you mean that in a good way or a bad way! are you saying i'm a loud mouth and he's quiet? lol


hesaysokiedokie June 15 2008, 01:57:27 UTC
you do a very good job of doing that :D and thanks even if you're just being nice haha. I haven't actually posted my reviews for EyeCon either hahaha i'm thinking it prob never will happen lol.

I meant in a good way opposites attract they say. He just seems shyer than you that's not a bad thing though lol. You're not a loudmouth just more outgoing :)


hearts_stars_xo June 15 2008, 02:13:18 UTC
thanks, i'm glad people read and like them [cause they take forever!] haha :]

no i'm not just being nice! i think it's a goo dpic!

yeah i'm not shy at all and he's not as shy as he let on to Samantha! lol


bitterbird June 15 2008, 02:39:45 UTC
oh look theres me lol!
I think you got everything honey
The Sandy/Jared stuff makes me so sad!!
Sam was awesome!!


hearts_stars_xo June 15 2008, 02:58:50 UTC
YAY YOU! i like you! lol

i got all i could remember anyway!

yeah, it makes me really sad too :[. but it was really sweet to hear!

yes she was!


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