EyeCon: Banquet Review

Jun 14, 2008 09:15

i got to sit with the awesome girls bobbinrob and hesaysokiedokie :]. if either of you remember anything i left out, please tell me!

we were badges 90-92 so i wasnt anticipating getting to sit with one of the stars, so i was very surprised when they asked me who i wanted to sit with. it was between Samantha, Alona or Steve and i chose Samantha. it was def. not awkward sitting with her at all! our table talked the whole time and she made us feel VERY comfortable. it def. didnt feel like we were sitting with a celebrity...it felt like we were sitting with an old friend. my mom even talked more than usual. she usually doesnt say much around famous people [unless it's Bret or Eric because they are so friendly and they pretty much make her talk and Tom because she's in such awe of him and she tells him that everytime. haha.] my mom kept telling her how much she loves her voice [me too!] and Sam mentioned my TX accent again. [PLEASE TELL ME I DONT SOUND AS HICKISH AS I SOUND ON VIDEO! i dont sound as cute as J2 do when theirs come out! lol] Sam said coming to cons is a very humbling experience. first thing she said was "you know all about me. tell me about yourselves. where you from?" and she made us go around the table stating our names, etc. Matt was nervous and made a face and said "i dont know what to say!" and Sam just fell in love with him. she thought he was adorable for being shy and she felt sorry for him cause he was "surrounded by estrogen". she went around the rest of the weekend telling people, "you have got to meet this boy. he is the cutest thing ever! i felt so sorry for him being the only guy at the table. he's just so shy and quiet and cute! i just love him!" if she said it once, she said it a hundred times. she kept talking about how quiet he was and i said "not when he's mad. he goes into his room, slams the door and plays guitar really loud. i wish he was this quiet then!" she was surprised and said "really?" all weekend, i kept teasing and saying that Gabe was my new boyfriend and Samantha was Matt's new girlfriend haha. we started talking about how Ellen was the only accepted female on the show and she is very honored by that. we talked about Jo and i said "it's not that we have anything against Alona. it's just that her character was so forced and it was like this 12 year old girl wanting to date Dean and hang with the big boys." and Sam agreed. she said "Dean and Ellen have more chemistry than Dean and Jo! heck...Alona and I have more chemistry than than they do!" LOL! she said she was enjoying this weather and that she was happy that her hair hadnt freaked out yet. she said she was engaged once and was supposed to have her honeymoon in Florida, but she obv. never got married. mostly everyone knows this already, but she said that "Jensen's TX accent comes out when he's tired and that when he tries to say Dean, it comes out as Dayne like D-a-y-n-e and i'm like who?" haha. she said that they spend so much time on set that they pick up other talents. Jensen's is photography and Jared's is...i bet you'll never guess....PRANKS! LOL. i was in a talkative mood too [Sam just brought it out in me!] and i told her that i loved taking pics too and that Bret Michaels, Tom Keifer and Jeff LaBar have all personally asked for and used my concert pics. and it somehow got brought up that i used to write poems and that i won an award when i was 13 for something i wrote. Sam mentioned her fangirl moment with Seth Green again and i told her that i met my fave person ever [Bret-DUH!] and that i was totally speechless, but now i'm very comfortable talking to him [and obv. other celebs] and that he even knows my name, tattoos, where i'm from, etc. she said "look at you, you little rocker girl!" we were talking about Dallas Con and i mentioned that Truckzilla might be there. she laughed and thought that was cool and then started gushing over JDM. i said that i would love to see the truck and Metallicar and that Matt would probably pass out if he "met" the car. she looked over at him and he nodded and said "that's true." and she explained that it would be WAY too hard to get one of ths Metallicars to a con and that they really took care of them and she was glad to know the truck is being taken care of. she said she was going to Asylum and asked questions about what happened to Jensen there. SHE asked about Wincest. we did not bring it up. she was just so confused by the whole thing, disgusted actually. i told her there are manips of Jensen/Jared and Dean/Sam kissing and doing other things and that it can get really graphic. she said "but they are brothers!" the look on her face was like WTH?! i agree[d] with her. she said "Chad is very funny, but doesnt say much. and Jared and Jensen are beautiful boys."

if the Jared and Sandy breakup is a sad subject for you [and TRUST ME, it is for me too. i HATE it and yes, i cried], then yall might not wanna read this part. but i'm putting this in here cause they are part of what we talked about. she looked around to see if anyone was listening, leaned in and whispered and said "this is like a slumber party. what i'm about to say doesnt leave this table." and she told us something that i will not repeat cause she asked us not to. unfortunately, the story got leaked anyway and it got a negative reaction :[ which is not what Sam intentioned at all-it was not meant to be taken that way. she thought it was incredibly sweet. but anywho, i'm still not gonna telll the story even though i'm sure everyone heard it already. she said "Sandy is the sweetest person you will ever meet and she is not fake at all." and that she "cant imagine Jared and Sandy ever fighting" and that if they ever did, Sandy would be like 'baby, it's ok! calm down!" and she said that Jared is VERY protective of her. i asked her if she thought Sandy was nervous being there without him and she said "oh no, Sandy's fine here by herself. it's JARED that's probably freaking out about it." normally, i would be going AWW!! right now, but i just wanna cry after typing that :[.

with the awesome erinrua in the background!

getting up to rotate around the room and still talking! love it! again with erinrua in the back!

i had no idea they were gonna do a table group photo, so i was happy! on the end left is hesaysokiedokie and on the end right is bobbinrob. pleasure sitting with you girls! save this pic cause you will probably never see me in a dress again! haha.

it was great getting to sit with Sam! the food was disgusting though!

bret, pics, robyn is my squishy, j2, matt, jeff labar, jensen, tom, sandy, alona, eyecon review, music, samantha, jdm, eric brittingham, jpad, truckzilla, supernatural, chad, robyn is a sweetheart

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