say it with me...

Jun 11, 2008 03:13

BEST WEEK EVER!!! and no, i'm not talking about the show! first Dallas Con was incredible, then i got a message from my boyfriend Gabe ;] and i just got this message from JIM BEAVER!!!!

if Chad sends me a message and if Gabe sends me another, i will just die of happiness! some days i really hate myspace, but i love it this week!

*glares at myspace*. i'm still waiting for a message telling me what you think about my Endeverafter tattoo. i'm talking you Mr. Michael Grant! Kristan told me what he thought and i've only heard from Tommi once and i wasnt expecting him to say anything, so i'm not too disappointed that he didnt reply. but you my dear Michael, you are always so good at replying and i want your opinion the most since it's a tat of your lyrics! oh'll see it in person in 10 days!

on another note...there are some family things going on right now that are very stressful and getting all these messages and comments from people i love [and i'm not just talking about Gabe and Jim...i'm talking about my wonderful flist and the people who have left awesome comments on my photo op reviews] are totally taking my mind off it and making me smile and i just wanted to say thank you. i love you all.

jim beaver rocks!, gabe is my imaginary boyfriend!, endeverafter, pics, dallas con, i got a message from gabe!, jim remembered me!, tats, jim, chad, i got a message from jim!, gabe, squee!!!

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