Questions answered...part 1

Apr 13, 2009 15:14

In an effort to get myself updating more often (which if you check the date, clearly didn't work...hehe) I asked you to ask me anything and I would answer in a post.  So I got a few questions (thanks, you know who you are) so here are first two.

Location, location, location... )

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Comments 3

lauriegilbert April 13 2009, 22:34:31 UTC
Does your water have to be salt or would fresh water work too? Am curious because I have the same emotions but it needs to be fresh for me.


hearts_n_roses April 14 2009, 00:42:55 UTC
Either works, but salt water is better. I live in an area surrounded by BIG lakes, and as long as I can see the water, I am calm. I notice it even more though if I'm near the ocean. Something about the smell and sounds of the sea. When we went to the coast last summer I could actually feel the tension coming back as we drove away from the ferry terminal.

If you love fresh water, you'd love it here. We're surrounded.


dacro April 14 2009, 05:29:54 UTC
I love new info!
(I would totally move to the maritimes with you!)


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