Questions answered...part 1

Apr 13, 2009 15:14

In an effort to get myself updating more often (which if you check the date, clearly didn't work...hehe) I asked you to ask me anything and I would answer in a post.  So I got a few questions (thanks, you know who you are) so here are first two.

1. If you could no longer live on the West Coast of Canada (no Alberta or BC), where in the country would you live and why?

I love Western Canada, especially BC, but since the question clearly said I can't choose that, I would choose the opposite coast....Nova Scotia sounds pretty good. I need to live near water. It keeps me grounded. I don't know if it's from growing up near the ocean or what but I feel a sense of peace when I sit by the water. I don't know specifically what town in Nova Scotia but I don't like living in the city so someplace small with the necessary amenities in a city or larger town nearby would be ideal.

2. What sort of green habits does your household/community have?

Our community has many of the common environmentally friendly initiatives....curbside recycling pick up, compost workshops, community gardens, bike paths, etc. There is a whole list and working at the Science Centre I deal with many of them on a regular basis. As for our family, we try and do what we can. We recycle, compost, and conserve energy and water as much as possible. We encourage the kids to shut off lights and shorten showers. We grow vegetables in our back yard. We don't let our cars idle when parked. We attempt to use eco-friendly products where we can, we buy local produce, we cook from scratch, we take reusable grocery bags when we shop, and attempt to minimize waste. Working at the Science Centre, and living with a very globally aware teenager has helped us look at the world around us differently and realize that we do need to make a difference. Hopefully I don't sound like I'm I really do try to take care of the world around me. It's the only one we have.
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