Boromir surfaces

Jul 19, 2007 17:05

One week in the arms of my wife. Near two weeks returned to work.

Life has been very good.

I shed my gloves in the stable-yard, wiping myself down as best I can before I start back into the village. The t-shirt I have worn to work clings against my damp skin, but I can only admit that it is cooler than my own gear might have been.

I have people to find today-- her Grace, who I have not yet thanked for her help in my wedding. Without her generosity it would have been a much shabbier thing. My brother, who I must also thank, and offer a drink to, and ask how it fares with Sophie. Certainly it must fare interestingly, after the dress she wore to the wedding.

Then home, home, to my sweet Sugar.

streets, faramir

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