Christian was in the lobby of the hotel, sitting at the window and just looking out at the snow, hating it passionately.
He wasn't overly stressed about being stuck here, he had always tended to go with the flow.
He missed Aaron, though. But...there was no point in missing him, his mom had said he was gone, she had lost her son because of him. Because of him.
The man he thought he loved had taken a razor to his wrists because of him.
Bit of a sobering thought.
Sex was just sex, it meant nothing to Christian, never had. Until Aaron. He'd had sex since Aaron, they had never agreed to be exclusive and when he left like that...Christian needed the comfort, needed to feel wanted.
He missed Aaron. And if he thought about it, it depressed him to no end.
But there's no point now.
Aaron was dead.
Christian sighed and laid his head on his arms.
He missed Julie, but maybe...maybe things would be better for him here, for the time being. Let him get away from everything that reminded him of Aaron, give him time to recover.
He could only hope.
ooc: Spoilers for those who wish to see Latter Days and haven't yet.