From Tyr: Tyr had not found anything appropriate for Max, so he had spoken to the man--such as he was--at the forge. The result was a gold pendant in the shape of a double helix 1 1/2 inches long on a gold chain. From a Nietzschean, this is romance.
From Yuri: For Tristan, a very nice bottle of red wine with a note reading You be careful now, okay? ;) Complete with winky smilie face.
For Kei, a small cheesecake with eight pieces--two plain, two chocolate, two strawberry swirl, and two mocha.
For Mughi, a frozen goose from the market (not yet thawed, in case he wanted to eat it like a popsicle) and a new brush so his skin could get all tingly.
She debated getting something for Teal'c and the other (NPC) employees at the Arsenal but decided they might take it the wrong way.
And for Aphrodite, the most spectacular
description she could find, as well as one of those real roses that had been dipped in pure gold. You are the most awesome, awesome goddess ever. (signed) Yuri
From Faramir For Sophie, a large
. Three dozen, in every colour the florist had from red and white to a muted purple. The note said Though you are no longer my lady, I love you in so many ways that even the language of flowers cannot express them all. I feel blessed to know you.
For Glaurnaneth, chocolates in a heart-shaped box. We spoke once of this holiday, and of chocolate. This is what I was trying to describe then. For Glaurmir, a very nice roast of beef, raw of course. You may try the sweets when you can turn human.
Notes for Boromir, Shasta, and Richard about having dinner at the changeable restaurant some time in the future. (Will provide babysitting for Henry if Boromir wishes.)
Small vases each with three yellow roses (friendship) for Toshiko (because he saw her and is so pleased she is getting married), Connie Murphy, Kyra, Carolyn Fry, Willow, Rachel Gatina (he does not know she's gone), Lara Raith (sigh).*
*I'm sure I'm forgetting people but he wouldn't.