He'd found the training remote droid in his room this morning and could barely contain his glee. Were Jedi allowed to be giddy? Perhaps strong emotions like that weren't preferable, but at the moment Obi-wan didn't care. Because the droid meant he could practice his saber training
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"By the Valar, what kind of training is that?" I've spoken before I realise that the young man is wearing a blindfold and I've probably just disturbed him enough. What happens if he's hit with that... whatever it is? Is that like the laser weapons some people use?
He turned off the droid with a push with his mind and it dropped to the grass and he turned his head, slipping off the blindfold, "It's Jedi training... to learn to let the Force guide me and not simply my eyes--" he rubbed his shoulder, "And I still need work, apparently."
I have so many questions.
"We train. In time, soldiers learn when there's something behind them, although I know I couldn't spar with a blindfold on, not even now." Perhaps it's an instinct that lets us know. Could we sense a machine like that? "This Force is more than ordinary training, obviously. You will get better: you are not even grown yet."
There is time. I hope there is time for him. Perhaps not, to train soldiers so young. Then again, Boromir went to the army when he was fourteen.
Obi-wan had done entire sparing matches against fellow students, not even knowing who he was fighting as they were both blindfolded.
"And I hope you're right. It is why I'm training, after all." he smiled lightly.
"Do you need endurance training as well? I have a tree set up. You would have to use practice swords--I have wooden ones--but the set-up is good for making sure you can fight for a long time if you have to."
I smile.
"It's a tree that I have hung branches and other objects around at various heights. The point is to keep as many of them moving as possible. I started at five minutes and now work for an hour. I could go longer, but there's no real need. Once you can work for an hour without being breathless, you don't need to train for much longer."
It's funny.
"We don't even have electricity where I come from, which I think I mentioned at the library. I cannot help with the Force, but physical endurance is likely still required."
"It's definitely still required." Obi-wan agreed, "I never know what sort of situation I'm going to find myself in..."
"Would you like to set up a time to go there? I could take you now, but I don't have the practice swords with me. I have extras that I can let you use or make some to better approximate what you're going to be using when you fight."
He unhooked it, holding it carefully out to him. "You can hold it, so you can have some idea what I'd need?"
It is not as heavy as an ordinary sword, but I didn't expect it to be.
"I fight with one, but practice with two."
I hand the weapon back to him.
"How soon? There are the Earth holidays and I don't really celebrate them except in the most basic way. I don't know if you are very busy."
"Should I leave you to your training now?" I do worry about his getting hit, but he doesn't seem very hurt.
"I'll let you know if anything changes and we need to change our plans." Obi-wan smiled, grateful to have another person to go to in order to help him with his training without his Master.
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