[ application ]
Applications are always open. Your application should have the character's name in the title of the post. All applications are screened. They will be unscreened upon acceptance. Game play doesn't start till May 19th, 2013 so you have a little time.
The only important notes we have regarding applications:
- 18+ only please. This is how we keep from being charged with trafficking pornography to minors.
- There is a limit to two characters per person, but only one "main companion"
- We are not accepting OCs. There are plenty of in canon characters to pick from.
- We are only using New Who characters.
-We don't do traditional "holds." Any character you see saved on the character grid has spoken with the mod at length about their character and are holding off on doing their official app for reasons that have been agreed upon. If you want to put forth that much effort to save a character, you can probably go ahead and do the app. But you are welcome to contact the mod anyway!
- Please check out the
Here is the list of current
Name: {real, alias, or nickname}
Age: {your age- the real one, please}
Time Zone:
Past RP Experience: {you can use any example here. a snip from past logs or links to other communities you've been in. anything that shows us you've roleplayed before}
Where did you hear about us: This is mainly for our interest as to where you saw the ad or if you were referred by someone.}
Character's Name:
Previously on... {Minimum 300 words on what they have been up to since we last saw them}
First person writing sample: {Minimum 300 words - to use this space wisely, you can write out their first "log" reaction to waking up in the jail.}
Third person writing sample: {Minimum 300 words - to use this space wisely, you can write out a short scene of what they were doing when they were taken.}
Other Notes:
Any Questions:
Copy this:
Name: Username:
Time Zone:
Past RP Experience:
Where did you hear about us:
Character's Name:
Previously on...
First person writing sample:
Third person writing sample:
Other Notes:
Any Questions:
Note: Once you've applied, you should hear back within 48 hours (usually much sooner). If you get in, you'll be given instructions on what you need to do next. If you did not get in and you would like to discuss why, we would be happy to talk with you. Just comment back and let us know.