
Apr 30, 2013 00:24

01. No more than two characters per player, and only ONE of the main companions (Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy, Rory, River, Mickey, Tentoo, Clara, Jack).

02. We know people are busy, so are we, but you have to post something every two weeks. We only require one log per month. But come on, you're here to play not post a one word journal entry every two weeks. Don't sit on a character. If you have posted nothing for a month, you get booted.

03a. Don't mess with other people's characters without the player's consent. You don't want to come back from a long weekend and realize that your character suddenly has twins and has changed genders. If you act for, or do something to another character, without the player's permission, you will get a warning. This will be a three strikes and you're out rule.

03b. For any event like pregnancy, you must have BOTH players agree to any one being pregnant. (River cannot get knocked up with Jack's baby unless BOTH players agree to it.) In addition, all pregnancy plots must have mod approval.

04. Mainly we want this to be fun! So please, enjoy yourselves and we don't want to see any acts of hate or intolerance in this.

05. Also, if you as a player do not feel comfortable with sex, slash, or femslash, you are probably in the wrong game. This game is 18+ for a reason and those things happen. But the logs are always labeled and always cut.

06. Any flaming, hate language, or other inappropriate stuff will get you warned then banned.

07. You do not have to log every. single. thing. your. character. does. Two players can agree that your characters sing each other to sleep every night, but you do not need to log this. Remember, if we log everything our characters do, we would literally do nothing else with our lives.

08. Please be careful with what you know and what your character knows. As far as canon is concerned, no one can read minds. So, the rest of you should not be able to read minds.

09. There is no such thing as making any journal entry or electronic message private. You have to get creative with how they are going to communicate.

10. Personal journal entries, such as "Today I painted my nails pink! Pink, I tell you! Can you believe it?!", are to be posted in your character's journal. Do not post personal journal entries to the community.

11. PROOFREADING. DO IT. This game iz not i can haz chezburger. I expect you all to write like real adult humans.



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