Anniversary Party - Open RP

Jan 16, 2008 14:07

Shawn has taken care of absolutely everything. There are flowers and drinks and different types of music. There is food and loads of pineapples. All that stuff that either shouldn't break or demands too much space is simply out of the way and it actually looks very different if you know what it looks like originallyStill, the pin-ball machine is at ( Read more... )

fake marriage storyline, open rp, gus

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head_psychic January 16 2008, 13:32:50 UTC
... Shawn's hand lashes out of nowhere and slaps the back of his hand. "Ah, ah, ah, Gus." He tsks and shakes his head and index finger at his friend.

"I told you, no sneaky thefts today. You will just smear it all over your face and ruin your make-up!" He pauses for a second. "Well, if you were wearing make up. But then again, if you were wearing make up we'd have a serious discussion about this and you wouldn't be anywhere near the food anyway. So - don't even think about it."


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head_psychic January 16 2008, 13:52:41 UTC
"Yeah, but Dad is taking care of the meat. If we piss him off one of us has to stand in black thick smoke for the rest of the day. Which is lame," Shawn explains patiently before he double glances at the food.

"Well. Alright. One thing. But be quick and humble about this!"


colonel_lassi January 16 2008, 14:14:01 UTC
He wandered around out front at first, come from work in his usual blue-themed suit and tie combo. What was he even doing here? Lassiter knew better than to come to an event thrown by the department's ersatz psychic, but for some reason he couldn't keep away. Maybe there'd be a Wii. Spencer and Guster seemed the type to keep one around... He was definitely ready to pound someone into the ground with his Wiimotes. Show them a real time in boxing. Give them a real what for.

Dignity assuaged, Carlton Lassiter made his way confidently into the place, disconcerted to see he was so far the only guest (aside from a rather unwilling looking Mr. Spencer off to the side, whom he did his best to ignore). He covered up his uncertainty by asking loudly, "Spencer, what are you celebrating? Do I want to know?"

[ooc: You said open, so... Here I am, spoiling the party with Mr. Grumpypants. XD Hope this is okay! And are we going with a multiple realities thing...?]


head_psychic January 16 2008, 14:24:02 UTC
"Lassy!" Spotting their first real guest so far Shawn beams at the detective and curses inwardly that he doesn't have camera anywhere nearby because this? Lassiter not having read the invitations that were spread around and not knowing what's going on? This is going to be awesome and almost worth all the stress of the whole situation.

"Of course you want to know, because how would you be able to congratulate us if you didn't? Well, you could still congratulate us but it would be half-heartedly. Are you a half-hearted man? I like to think different. And I can sense - so do you." He raises the hand with the wedding ring, proud mischief all written over his face. Screw the camera, he will remember the look on the detective's face anyway.

"Me and Gus. It's our tenth anniversary!"

(ooc: Lmao! That's totally fine! Open RPs tend to be very multiple reality anyway! Welcome to the party. XD)


colonel_lassi January 17 2008, 12:43:57 UTC
Somehow, that just didn't compute. Witty retorts died on his lips. He'd always known they seemed, well, closer than any two healthy straight men had a right to be, but anniversary?

"Is this a joke?" he asked, eyes starting to narrow suspiciously as he recovered. "You can't expect me to..." The initial ending of that sentence died before it began. What if it wasn't a joke? He didn't want to come across as a homophobe. But friends don't have anniversaries. At least, his friends had never had one with him. "To offer you a present or anything," he finally settled on, adding a sarcastic twist.


head_psychic January 17 2008, 22:33:49 UTC
"Oh Lassy, you being here is present enough! Really, it means a lot! I am touched, like a teenage girl watching the OC. While being lovesick and probably a little drunk." Shawn grinned at Lassiter, enjoying how the detective was obviously searching for words.

"Do you want a drink? We have homemade pineapple punch. And it's delicious."


lieu_murphy January 16 2008, 15:27:46 UTC
Murphy was pretty sure when she got time off for a vacation to Santa Barbra she imagined most of her time would be spent on beaches, working up a good tan for when she went back to Chicago. Visiting the local psychic had seemed like a one stop kinda deal to her. However, she seemed to gave picked the wrong day for a quick stop.

When Murphy opened the door to the Psych office she found a party. She double checked the door, just to make sure one she was in the right place and two that the open sign was really set to open. Yes, she was in the right place and yes the sign said open. Just what the heck had she walked into?


head_psychic January 16 2008, 15:54:36 UTC
It was definitely a surprise to see Murphy joining them but a nice one. That meant even people from further away were showing up! Shawn grinned, hurrying over to say hello

"You made it! I can't believe you made it! Did you get the invitation? You came all the way from Chicago just for us? That's awesome! Have a drink!" he chattered energetically, dragging her over to the snacks. "My pineapple punch is the best!"


lieu_murphy January 16 2008, 16:00:37 UTC
Murphy let Shawn drag her, most of her attention focused on keeping up with his words. The guy spoke pretty fast. She thought most of his energy must have been an act. Apparently not. "Yeah, what did I make it to? I've been in Florida visiting my dad, I haven't gotten my mail in awhile."

She looked over the rather impressive spread of food, noting the abundance of pineapple. Either someone was trying to prevent scurvy or had a thing for the fruit. Murphy was never a big fan, but took a glass of punch to be polite.


head_psychic January 16 2008, 16:05:13 UTC
"You mean, you just randomly dropped by today?" Shawn beamed. "That's fate! The spirits brought you here to celebrate with us."

He grabbed a slice of pineapple, munching happily. "It's my anniversary party! And I'm thrilled you're here to take part of it!"


hitchhiker_girl January 16 2008, 15:27:59 UTC
Anna had spent a lot of her time studying the outside of the detective agency, debating whether or not she should go inside. There was clearly a party going on, and she didn't want to intrude, but she didn't want to not see Shawn as well. And besides, it wasn't like she hadn't crashed a party before. Making her way to the door, she poked her head inside, looking around as she went in and getting the feel of the place, so that she was more comfortable with it.

She hadn't spotted Shawn, or anyone else she knew yet, but she would get there eventually. Right now, she was trying to ignore her stomach rumbling, as she made a beeline for the food.


head_psychic January 16 2008, 16:00:51 UTC
Shawn was running around eagerly, saying hello to new guests, putting on some new music from time to time and constantly talking his dad into staying with the meat. It was getting a little more crowded, which was awesome, because that was what a real party was about.

He made his way past some guys already dancing, bouncing along to the beat (who could resist Tainted Love anyway?) when he spotted a familiar - very familiar - face in the crowd. "Anna?"

Blinking, he double-checked, a big grin slowly lighting up his features. "Yo! Anna!" He pushed the dancers aside, running over to her. "You're here! This is so great! Welcome!"


hitchhiker_girl January 16 2008, 16:07:35 UTC
Anna spun around at the sound of her name, and when she spotted Shawn, she gave him a wide grin. "Shawn!"

Once he got close enough, she pulled him into a warm hug, and when she pulled back, she looked around curiously. "What's the party for?"


head_psychic January 16 2008, 17:03:16 UTC
Shawn returns the hug eagerly, beaming.

"This? This is... it's..."


It's..." His grin turns in something embarassed. "It's, uh, it's my anniversary."

Wow, this is really harder than he thought. Not that they have any obligations with each other - after all this totally no bounds is the thing that makes them get along so well... but still, Shawn doesn't want her to think he's that kind of guy. He doesn't think she will, at least he hopes she won't because he's pretty sure she's smart and witty and might even see through all this. Not that he can tell her what's going on, though.

"But, I mean, we're cool, right? This isn't a problem for you? Because if it is I must assure you that-" Jeez, no, he can't do that.

"Look," he starts again in a low voice, quickly looking to the left and right, a slightly troubled expression on his face. "I know this must be very much like an Alias episode. Not that I watch Alias. But I could imagine the episodes are a little like this. The point is..." he tries getting back to the subject, ( ... )


vivo_per_ardua January 16 2008, 16:38:48 UTC
Anna was walking down the beach in denim capris and a black bikini top, sandals and white t-shirt dangling from her hand as she sauntered along through the sand. It was a refreshing break from the Police Profiler's Conference she'd been practically ordered to attend - which was another story completely. She was bored out of her mind with things she already knew, but next to a certain infamous detective, she was the best the NYPD had. And the only expendable one. Looking up she saw a grumpy-looking man at a grill and music coming from an office with Psych on the window.

"A party?" She was sure she wasn't invited, but curiosity - and the need to do something entertaining - was calling her name. She strolled past Henry and poked her head around before slipping her sandals back on.


head_psychic January 16 2008, 17:18:39 UTC
"Look who's here!" someone announced cheerfully next to her ear. Seeing Anna walking into the psych office Shawn couldn't not sneak up to her and surprise her with a sneaky hug. "It's so great you made it here! How are you!"


vivo_per_ardua January 16 2008, 17:30:35 UTC
Surprises were never a good idea around Anna, especially the kind that involved hugging. She was a rape victim, it made her hyper aware of her surroundings and just as hyper-sensitive to surprise hugs. Reflexively, she locked a leg around Shawn's, pressing a forearm between them as she swept his leg out and knocked him to the floor, kneeling over him, her long brown hair spilling over her shoulders and chest.

There was a slight pause and Anna turned bright red, eyes widening as she saw she was straddling Shawn Spencer - the married Shawn Spencer - beneath her. With her bikini-clad chest a few inches from his face. Oh god, this one would be fun to explain. Embarrassed, she quickly slid off him and started stammering a flustered half-English, half-Italian apology as she twisted her white t-shirt in her hands.


head_psychic January 16 2008, 17:39:39 UTC
"Oooff!" was all Shawn could manage before he hit the floor, winded, eyes wide in surprise.

He sat up, chuckling, because this reminded him very much of the sneak attacks/fights with Gus. "Wow. I know we haven't talked to each other in quite some time but I wouldn't have thought you missed me that much."


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