
Feb 20, 2006 13:46

Title: Hypothermia
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Snow
Disclaimer: The thoughts are mine; the characters aren’t.
Notes: Second post, angst galore--inspiration taken from Robert Frost's "Dust of Snow" poem.

He's there every winter, back pressed stiffly against the tombstone. He stares into nothingness, blond lashes parting to reveal vapid grey orbs.

Sometimes, he brings roses. He plucks each petal out and scatters them about the snow bed--each one a stark red contrast against pale white.

His frost bitten fingertips trail lightly on the inscriptions; they shake sometimes.

He's there until the snow starts to melt; when green foliages emerge on the once bare boughs.

His cheeks are no longer red from the cold.

He kneels this time, as if asking for some redemption.

He whispers an ode: "Harry."

challenge: winter

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