Original banner pimping code:">">">Sign ups are open! Small banner pimping code:">">">Sign-ups are open! Prompt Instructions and Templates
Each person is allowed to submit up to five prompts using either one of the following formats.
EITHER: A drabble or scene (word limit ~ 250)
A drabble prompt may be something written specifically for the prompt, or an already existing drabble, or at short excerpt from an existing fic. If you are not the author of the work, please get permission from the author before submitting it. When you submit your prompt please state you have permission to use it, credit the author (even if it is yourself) and include a link to the original work.
Drabble:Maximum rating:Squicks: Author of Drabble:Link to the original (if previously posted):I have permission to use this drabble: (must be Yes)
Submitted by: (Your username)
OR: Use at least three or more of the following categories:
1. Time-period or theme (School years, Epilogue compliant, Post war, Eighth year, Auror training, Pirates, Veela, Vampire, etc)
2. Place (Hogwarts, garden, Quidditch match, broom closet, Malfoy Manor, etc)
3. Emotion (passion, love, anger, anxiety, happiness, sadness, angst, etc)
4. Sense (touch, sight, taste, smell, sound)
5. Object (Slytherin/Gryffindor tie, peacock feather, flower, magic spell, flying broom, etc)
6. Action (kiss, hex, lick, slam against the wall, holding hands, etc)
7. Mood (darkness, fog/mist, sunlight/moonlight, firelight/candlelight, storm, sunrise/sunset, heat, freezing, etc)
You must include a prompt in AT LEAST three categories in your request. Artists will use/be inspired by a minimum of three requested categories.
Time-period or theme: Place: Emotion:Sense:Object:Action:Mood: Maximum rating:Squicks: Submitted by: (Your username)
Remember this is not the prompting post! Prompting post will be up tomorrow!
The rules of this year's H/D Art Fest can be found