It's time to get your art prompts ready for the 2016 Harry/Draco Art Fest!!!
The H/D Art Fest is a November Harry/Draco fest where everyone is invited to submit a prompt. Artists can choose to claim a prompt or work from their own inspiration (self-prompt). All artworks must be related to H/D, new, and created specifically for the fest.
This year for H/D Art Fest 2016, we will be making some changes to give artists more control over their art and comments, and to make it more accessible for artists from other platforms.
This year, there will be 3 changes to our fest:
- The fest will not be anonymous. Artist identities will be disclosed.
- The entries will be self-posted. Artist can post their artworks directly to hd_fanart or they can choose to submit a header to the mods with a link to their artwork on their personal journals, Tumblr, or AO3.
- Artist are allowed to self-prompt or claim their own prompt during the sign-ups.
Prompting - July 1 to July 10 (over)
Claiming - July 10 to Oct 14 (over)
Posting period - All November
Prompting: Prompting Post will be up on July 1 till 12am GMT July 10
- Each person, artist and non-artist, is allowed to submit up to five prompts.
- For a look at last year's prompts, go here. Feel free to resubmit your prompt from last year if it wasn't claimed.
Prompt Claiming & Sign-Ups: Claiming Post will be up at 2pm GMT on Sunday, July 10th till October 7th
- To sign up, fill and submit the form given.
- You will be asked to select the week(s) that suits you best in November. This allows us to spread out the art promotion.
- You will also be asked to include prompt(s) you wish to claim/self-prompt.
- You will be assigned a posting date and receive prompt confirmation via email. Please respond to the email to confirm.
- Artists may claim only one prompt at a time. After your first claim is submitted, you may claim a second. Once a prompt is claimed, it will be marked as such on the claiming post. Each prompt may be claimed by only one artist.
- If you want to create a second art, you may do so upon completion of your first art by emailing the mods.
- Artists will receive an email reminder on Oct 7. Please respond to the reminder with a confirmation that your artworks will be posted by your assigned posting date(s). If more time is needed, let us know.
- You may post your artwork and header anytime from October 31st leading up to your posting date.
- Artists can post their artworks to hd_fanart, personal journals, Tumblr (please tag with "HDArtFest2016") or AO3 (please submit to the "HDArtFest2016" collection).
- You must fill up the header provided and post it on your own to hd_fanart. Alternatively, you may email the header us and we will post it for you.
- Your hd_fanart post will be added to a moderated queue and will go public on your posting date. We will also reblog your art on Tumblr.
- Example of header template (emailed to artist): here.
Got questions? Please ask! ♥