It's time to get your art prompts ready, because....

Jul 12, 2012 13:06's time for the 5th Annual Harry/Draco Art Fest!!!!

A change for this year - we will be holding the Fest during the month of November instead of October so that we don't overlap with this year's hd_fan_fair's fest.

As it has been the last four years, this will be an anonymous fest where everyone is invited to submit a prompt. Requestors will remain anonymous to the artists until posting. Artists will remain anonymous until the end of the fest.

Anyone can make a request whether you plan to claim one or not.

Fest opens for prompt requests - July 19-26 (Opens at 8am CDT/2pm GMT)
Prompts open for claiming - July 29 (Opens at 8am CDT/2pm GMT)
Staggered Submissions:
First Time Participants Art due - October 7
Previous participants Art due - October 14
Posting starts - November 1

This is not an exchange fest, which means everyone is invited to participate in the prompting process. So, whether you can draw or not, anyone who wants to make a prompt request is free to do so.

Each person is allowed to submit two requests using one of the following formats:

A drabble or scene (word limit 250)
A drabble prompt may be something written specifically for the prompt, or an already existing drabble, or an short excerpt from an existing fic. If you are not the author of the drabble/fic, please get permission from the author before submitting it. When you submit your prompt please state you have permission to use it, credit the author (even if it is yourself) and include a link to the original work. The author and link will not be revealed until the artwork is posted in the fest.

Using at least three or more of the following categories:
1. Time-period or theme (School years, Epilogue compliant, Post war, Auror training, Pirates, Veela, Vampire, etc)
2. Place (Hogwarts, garden, Quidditch match, etc)
3. Emotion (passion, love, anger, anxiety, happiness, etc)
4. Sense (touch, sight, taste, smell, sound)
5. Object (quill, Slytherin tie, peacock feather, etc)
6. Action (kiss, hex, lick, slam against the wall, etc)
7. Mood (darkness, fog/mist, sunlight/moonlight, firelight/candlelight, storm, sunrise/sunset, heat, freezing, etc)

You must think up a prompt for AT LEAST three of these categories in your request, but including more than three will give artists more flexibility and may increase the chances of your request being claimed. Artists will include a minimum of three requested prompts.

If you choose to submit two requests, you may use the same format for both or you may choose to do one of each. Wherever your creative mind takes you.

All requests must also include:
Maximum rating

For a look at last year's prompts, go here. Feel free to resubmit your prompt from last year if it wasn't claimed. Prompting templates will go up in a few days.

Claiming: (Claiming opens at 8am CDT/2pm GMT on Sunday, July 29th)
Artists may claim only one request at a time. After your first claim is submitted, you may claim a second. Once a prompt is claimed, it will be marked as such on the claiming post. Each prompt may be claimed by only one artist.

Help us get the word out by copying and pasting the following code to your journal. It's that easy. The more people who know about the fest, the more prompts and lovely art there will be. *\o/* If you click on the banner it will take you to this rules post.">" border="0" />

Got questions? Please ask!

!mod post, art fest info, art fest-2012

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