Sign Ups

Jun 07, 2010 08:48

Leave a comment to this post to get you bingo card and a code to post it to your journal.

If you want your card with the white background, remove background="LINK" from your code.

To strike out a square find the square name in the code you've been given and make it look like this:
<*s><*a href="LINK TO YOUR STORY">SQUARE NAME<*/a><*/s>
(without the asterisks, of course).

If you're html-savvy, ignore us and just tinker with the table to your heart's content.

Important: if you're uncomfortable with writing about sexual trauma and/or abuse based situations, please note that when you sign up so we can give you a card avoiding these areas altogether. Besides that, you can look at the list of prompts the cards are made from before signing up and veto from one to three prompts that would be triggery/uncomfortable for you to write about.

If you need more than three prompts vetoed please contact the mods by PM or email ( and we will work with you to make sure you have a card that is suitable.

(remember, you can sign up here or on dreamwidth, but not at the both places at once, since both comms mirror each other and have one scoring tally).

ETA 1: We've adjusted some of the prompts, for future cards. If you already received "deafness" please change it to "loss of hearing". Same for "blindness" to "loss of vision" and "muteness" to "loss of voice". Thank you.

ETA 2: we now have an awesome banner from cool_rain_kiss that can be used for pimping purposes!

ETA 3: apparently sometimes the table code gets mysteriously screwed up in transit. If you're having any html trouble with your card, please drop hc_bingo_mod a line and we'll sort it out.

ETA 4: Please consider putting your card under an lj-cut when posting it to your journal, since some people on your friends list can be triggered by the prompts themselves.


!administrivia, round: 1

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