Writing woes and funny Potter stuff

Apr 19, 2014 13:29

I have 11 days to finish up my H/D mpreg fic and I have been staring at the same 2000 words for months. My main problem is that I can't pick whose PoV its going to be from - I have the basics of the plot (such as it is) but there are bits that I want to tell from Harry's PoV and some from Draco's, yet I don't think the story will work if the ( Read more... )

geekery, r/l

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Comments 4

capitu April 19 2014, 13:32:46 UTC
LOL those comics. I felt bad laughing at Harry though. :D

Mpreg, YOU CAN DO IT! <333


nenne April 19 2014, 14:13:04 UTC
The Potter comics were brilliant. It's a really good thing they weren't online while solving all the mysteries. *G*

I'll keep my fingers crossed for your mpreg fic.


birdsofshore April 19 2014, 19:21:05 UTC
Hee at the comics! That one about the internet was particularly funny.

Sorry about writing grief. Ugh, that sounds hard. 2000 words is a solid beginning, though, and I bet you can get it all worked out.


firethesound April 21 2014, 14:28:35 UTC
Haha, those comics were wonderful!! Definitely made me smile.

I'm so excited about mpreg, and I can't wait to read yours! I ended up taking a prompt for it at the last minute, and am not done writing either. Have you got your POV straightened out yet? That's the worst, wanting to tell the story from everyone's POV. Hope writing is going well for you. :)


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