Writing woes and funny Potter stuff

Apr 19, 2014 13:29

I have 11 days to finish up my H/D mpreg fic and I have been staring at the same 2000 words for months. My main problem is that I can't pick whose PoV its going to be from - I have the basics of the plot (such as it is) but there are bits that I want to tell from Harry's PoV and some from Draco's, yet I don't think the story will work if the reader's been inside both their heads. I have some time off now so I should be able to get down to it and produce something half-decent - if very short - but I really can't get off the ground at the moment.

These Harry Potter comics made me laugh. And I really liked these Disney Characters as Hogwarts Students and thought the house choices were quite interesting in some cases. Disney characters lend themselves to Hufflepuff, apparently. Must be all the singing.

geekery, r/l

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