10 Things Draco Malfoy Has Found Out About Harry Potter and 9 ½ Which He Denies About Himself

Sep 23, 2008 05:51

1. Harry has an obsessive nature. This is not news to Draco; he remembers well the tenacity with which Harry stalked him in their sixth year. If only Harry Potter had had the brains to go with his conviction that Draco was up to something, a whole disastrous chapter of Draco’s life might have been avoided. Draco is not disappointed - not at all - that Harry hasn’t taken up stalking him again since the Dark Lord was defeated.

2. Harry is sneakier than Draco gave him credit for. Being an Auror has done wonders for the man’s subtlety and stealth. Draco is definitely not secretly very pleased that Harry has been keeping tabs on him after all.

3. Harry is a very good kisser. Draco does not in the slightest bit mind that this means that Harry has had a lot of practise. With person or persons who are not Draco.

4. Harry really honestly truly didn’t know what the curse would do when he used it on Draco. Draco doesn’t sort of like the way that the faint scar, now tingling with the memory of fingers, makes him feel as though he has been marked - owned - claimed - by Harry in some way.

5. Harry was on the Astronomy Tower that night. What’s more he saw what Draco was forced to do the following year and he saw how much he hated it. Draco does not shake with regret and loathing at that remembered-self and with abject relief that his sins were witnessed and forgiven by the one from whom he craves atonement. The room is cold, that’s all.

6. Harry was raised in a cupboard. Draco does not lie awake on the nights he can’t sleep and think of ways in which a wizard could get revenge on Muggles without the Ministry noticing. And if he ever does it’s just because it’s more interesting than counting sheep.

7. Harry does not like public displays of affection, despite famously kissing the Weasley girl in front of the whole of Gryffindor house. Harry says it’s because he’s seen what a soppily-devoted expression looks like on his face and he’s vowed never to expose the general public to the sight. Draco does not care that Harry leans away from him to talk when they have dinner with friends; he does not clutch Harry’s hand from time to time under the table and definitely does not throw himself at Harry when they’re alone once more because he has to prove that he is Harry Harry Harry’s right there and right now. And certainly not on that table.

8. Harry eats too much. He isn’t greedy and is perfectly happy to share his food or to go without if none is available, but if food is plentiful Harry’s reaction is to take in as much as he can, as though he doesn’t trust that he will get enough to eat tomorrow. Draco does not always take pudding just to keep Harry company, before making sure the sex they have is strenuous enough to burn off the extra calories.

9. Harry shouts. The Weasleys and his other friends sometimes suggest that Harry needs to think about the long term, about the family he craves and won’t get with Draco. They talk about hormones and experimentation and phases, and Harry shouts about the best thing that’s happened to him and this being all he wants and accepting that people change, until they understand, if not why Harry won’t leave, that Harry won’t leave. Draco - listening shamelessly through the door - does not let tears slide down his cheeks.

10. Harry loves him. He says it pressed close in bed, over morning coffee, coming home tired and headachy after a long day at work. He says it in gesture and look and touch. Draco emphatically does not have moments when he looks at him and all he can think is Harry until his chest feels too full for him to breathe, he is so achingly, painfully happy. But Draco does not - will not - deny that he loves Harry too.


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