Happy birthday Kat!!

Nov 16, 2011 22:40

For the dearest katbcoll, who is awesome and fun, and I'm so glad I finally got to meet this past August. I hope you enjoy these, hon, and that you've had a brilliant day today. (Or at least had an awesome weekend! ;) )

Castle/Supernatural - The Winchesters showing Kate and Castle (possibly Ryan and Esposito) that sometimes you need to be afraid of ghosts. (PG13) )

presents, writing, 3 sentence prompts, justified, dog groomers love dogs, burn notice, supernatural, j2, castle, fic, leverage, happy birthday

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Comments 8

katbcoll November 17 2011, 04:52:11 UTC
*snickers* Oh Sammy and Kate butting heads would be a beautiful thing to see.

"He's a changed man," Ford says, and Sam thinks maybe the man needs that drink more than he does
HAHAHAHAHA And Michael's crazy grin!!

Raylan/Dean went from gigglingly funny to HOTHOTHOT!!! *fans self*

HEEE "I dated a sniper once." I totally know that Castle look too!

Ohhhhh the last one. There might just be begging for more... I can't help it. I love it so very much!

Thank you! *twirls you*


havenward November 17 2011, 04:57:21 UTC
You're welcome! :D :D :D

That expression for Castle may possibly be among my favorites for him. It's just so quirky and happy and evil. XD

See, I told you it was evil and exploding like. > > :pushes the muses back somewhere behind the current set of juggled stories (not that they'll stay there I'm sure...):


nighean_isis November 17 2011, 07:45:25 UTC
Ok, that last one? Totally needs to be continued.


Oh. Wait. You're trying to avoid the muses...




havenward November 18 2011, 03:23:39 UTC
LOL. :covers their ears:


elebridith November 17 2011, 10:04:44 UTC
Ooh, I love the Jared as werewolf one! And pretty new layout!


havenward November 18 2011, 03:24:46 UTC
:beams: Thank you~


yanzadracan November 17 2011, 17:43:11 UTC
Love the layout & as always looove your drabbles.


havenward November 18 2011, 03:25:52 UTC
Hee~ Thank you kindly!


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