Happy birthday Kat!!

Nov 16, 2011 22:40

For the dearest katbcoll, who is awesome and fun, and I'm so glad I finally got to meet this past August. I hope you enjoy these, hon, and that you've had a brilliant day today. (Or at least had an awesome weekend! ;) )

Castle/Supernatural - The Winchesters showing Kate and Castle (possibly Ryan and Esposito) that sometimes you need to be afraid of ghosts:
"Freeze," Kate shouts, gun trained on the tall one (... taller one), and trusting Esposito to cover the other; she already doesn't like that there's been another murder in this "haunted" house, not when they figured this out already, not when the guy's in jail.

"Sorry, can't," he says, never even telegraphing his moves as he ducks, moving forward and pushing her gun up and away as he knocks her into the wall; he's still moving and past him... past him she can see Rick being picked up... into the air.... by a woman whose feet aren't even touching the ground and then thrown into the next room.

"Dean!" the taller one shouts, and the other one moves, giving the tall one the room to aim his shot gun at the... the woman... and firing, dispersing her into a strange plume of smoke.

Leverage/Burn Notice - Nate, Michael and Sam get caught by some bad guys -Fiona and Eliot have to work together to help get them out:
"... So we're waiting for Fi," Sam says, and man, he's missing his poolside mojitos right about now, and tries not to think about their odds, or how it is he got to this point in his life, "and a guy you got in a fight with while he was working for Moreau?"

"He's a changed man," Ford says, and Sam thinks maybe the man needs that drink more than he does, "not that I'd want to be the mark right about now."

Michael grins that crazy little grin of his, and Sam decides that it's about how much his friends must love him, not because of that really, really big explosion in the next room that puts cracks in the ceiling and covers them all with plaster dust.

Supernatural/Justified - Raylan confuses Dean for a prostitute. Souless!Sam has no problem putting a price on his brother's ass for the Marshal:
"You gotta be kidding me," Dean growls, but the Marshal's not looking at him anymore and when Dean looks at Sam, he swallows hard and tries to take a step back; Sam wraps a hand around his elbow, though, stupid fast and stronger than Dean remembers Sam ever being.

"That make you his pimp?" the Marshal asks, tipping his hat back to get a better look at Sam, who grins back at him like a shark, a happy shark, with too many teeth and all the more frightening because of the dimples; the Marshal nods and pays no mind to the way Dean tries to jerk away when he offers, "A hundred for two hours at the motel round the corner."

"Hey!" Dean objects (tries to object, not that either bastard is fucking listening), just as Sam counters with, "One hundred gets you a blow job here where you stand, and if you want to go back to the motel, it's a grand per hour, maybe extra depending on how... interesting things need to be."
Dean can't believe he's standing here watching a United States fucking Marshal suck his teeth and decide whether or not Dean's worth the money.

"Fifty for a test run, and if I like the way he sucks, I'll give you fifteen hundred to let me cuff'm to the bed."

"Well, Marshal, you've got yourself a deal," Sam says, his hand heavy on Dean's arm to make him kneel; it's shock more than anything else that keeps Dean from resisting (hell, any other day and he might have flirted with the man), and he opens his mouth when the Marshal puts his cock in front of Dean.

Castle/Justified - Ryan/Tim - Vampires weren't the only experimentation Ryan has done in the past:
Castle's giving him that look, that putting the story together look, and Esposito finds something else to do so Castle can't needle him with questions too; Castle scoots closer, ignoring the way Kate rolls her eyes behind him, and asks "So where did you learn so much about snipers? Esposito I get, but..."

Det. Ryan expected that question, so he doesn't flinch, doesn't blush, doesn't stumble over his words or mention a US Army Ranger by the name of Tim Gutterson; he does none of these things, but he does smile and say, "I dated a sniper once."

RPS - J2 - Jensen is a dog groomer. Jared is a werewolf who loves getting bathed by the hot groomer but thinks that in human form, he wouldn't have a chance with the pretty human:
The first time it happens, it takes him by surprise and he nearly trips over himself to keep from walking straight into him (a point which Jensen discovers later, because he's a softie, and despite spending all day working with some of the fussiest clients - both the humans and the dogs - he gave him a proper bath and combing); this is a surprisingly impressive feat in and of itself, given how big the dog is, though dog may well be a misnomer, not that Jensen could find any news about missing wolves or part wolves either from zoos or the hauty-tauty private collectors, let alone the rediscovery of living dire wolves.

He's a sweet boy, though, and clearly well trained because every time he's shown up since then he's been sitting calmly beside Jensen's door when Jensen comes home on friday afternoons, tail thumping loudly on the porch and hazel eyes bright with what Jensen has no doubt is happiness; Jensen's taken to rubbing him behind the ears and feeding him a little before he breaks out the hose and the soap (cos there's no way this dog is going to fit in any of the tubs Jensen has).

"I guess I'm gonna have to figure out somethin' to call you huh?"
Jared just lets his tongue loll out happily and doesn't show any sign of disappointment, no matter how much he wants to tell Jensen his name; he can't, not now, not anymore, cos if Jensen ever found out...

Well, aside from the whole shock-at-the-very-real-existence-of-shapeshifters thing, it's kind of a breach of trust; Jensen's let Jared into his home, into his life, has said things he wouldn't say to a person, like how lonely he's been since his ex left and took the dogs with him.

Jared thinks that maybe if he showed up more often, Jensen wouldn't mind, but he's afraid to, not because Jensen might find out, but because Jared wouldn't want to leave; Jared can't, won't, live life as just a dog...

presents, writing, 3 sentence prompts, justified, dog groomers love dogs, burn notice, supernatural, j2, castle, fic, leverage, happy birthday

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