30 Days of Writing Meme - Day 25 & 26

Jul 20, 2010 16:46

Woops, I missed a day! I blame this on walking around campus with David yesterday (I was the one having panic attacks, despite it being for him). And then going out with B (er, happy hour!) to celebrate his birthday (3 days late cos L is a bitch!). Good times... up until my body decided I'd mistreated it and I was sick at like 3am. Just feeling fuzzy today though. Probably no White Collar blow by blow later, as I may be lucky just to be, y'know, awake.

25. Do any of your characters have pets? Tell us about them.


:thinks some more: Y'know. I don't think anyone does. Unless Mikey's cymbal monkey in goth!boys counts. Which is funny, cos I'm all over owning cats, love mine to pieces. How odd.

26. Let's talk art! Do you draw your characters? Do others draw them? Pick one of your OCs and post your favorite picture of him!

Original characters, no. I can't draw for shit, man, and I've yet to be in a position to pay someone for anything. I'd love to see some done, of course... I've always pictured Strays in a sort of manga-esque style, very Kazuya Minekura. Steampunk I'm less sure of.

As for fanfic, I'm going to take "draw them" as "make art for" because while I've never gotten sketches, I have gotten some gorgeous manips and the like. My first were from the ever fabulous umbralillium for goth!boys, and my dear raggedy_edge spoils me (speaking of which, check out my new layout, with a header by her -- if that ain't Apollo...). I've actually got a tag ( art people gave me) where you can go and peruse them. :)

30 days of writing, meme

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