30 Days of Writing Meme - Day 24

Jul 18, 2010 18:15

24. How willing are you to kill your characters if the plot so demands it? What's the most interesting way you've killed someone?

That depends on the role of the character and the plot in question. I'm ok, for instance, with potentially killing villains, especially in original fic. I'm less ok with killing leads in RPS, and waffle on killing leads in other fanfic. Generally, it's more like I don't write the kind of fanfic that calls for killing someone off, at least, not in the text of the story. Boons & Favors is quite happy starting off in a world where Dean Winchester is already dead, for instance. Sometimes I get mighty close (y'all have no idea how close Hardison came to dying, in the set of 50 Sentences of all things) especially when no one ought to. I was working on birthday prompts, at one point, and somehow instead of pissed/hurt Dean I got a sociopath that was intent on teaching his brother a lesson by killing Jessica by a series of sick "pranks." Which seriously, seriously, what the fuck.

But really it comes down to this - if I'm committed to a story, and honesty of the characters... If dying is the way it's gotta be, then that's the way it's gotta be. I certainly respect the ability of authors to tell an honest story, where just because it's characters we love and (sometimes) cherish, that doesn't mean they get a happy ending. Like I said, it's just not the kind of story I tend to write.

I can't think of anything I've posted where a lead has died. Most interesting death in general would probably All That Glitters. I mean seriously. Even the gore was sparkly. Dude. XD

And I've got a good one in original fic. But I can't talk about that. I can't even give hints, cos I'm nowhere near writing it yet. But suffice it to say it amuses me and my dark, dark sense of humor.

30 days of writing, meme

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