Leverage 3.06 blow by blow

Jul 18, 2010 21:22

Ffff. No intro really today folks. Just woke up from a nap, guzzling coffee. :slaps self: Wake up! Must. Be. Awake.

Starting out with Alona Tal singing is a really pretty way to sell me this ep. I'm just sayin'.

Like no, fuckin' gorgeous.

HI BO DUKE. And as a bad guy. ILU John Schneider. Stomping on people's hands and everything.

Aww, is Eliot making eyes at Alona? And her accent, heh. Oh, I'm so screwed for talking after this ep...

Yeah, we don't hear any of Kane's story in there at all. Nope. Not even a little. :draws hearts around Rogers:

OMG the music video. :dies:

I kinda wanna steal Hardison's t-shirt...

Ok, Sophie and Nate saying things in unison is creepy.

Sophie's sunglasses, oh man.

What is Parker doing? :giggles:

What... is Hardison wearing? Yellow? Oh no. No no no.

Parker... dancing and pick pocketing... Jesus Christ girl.

That was close. But still awesome. And Parker looking so happy.

The hat on Nate... but... is he trying to do an accent? :giggles:

Have I mentioned loving John Schneider? Cos I dooooo.

Parker still looking for the fiddle. Awesome. I love that Eliot = fiddle. I'm kinda hoping Parker keeps asking about it...

Eliot is nervous. I kinda like it. Nice to know he's not entirely impenetrable.

HAHAHA the smurf voice!!

Randomly, I like the blue streak in Sophie's hair.

Aw, people going through her stuff. It's kind of adorable.

:brain shorts out at Eliot + girl playing guitar:

Finally, the glimpse of Eliot back story. Just a little... but enough. Can't make the same promise indeed. Well, not when one is the US gov't anyway.

Nervous Eliot is nervous. Sells the moment kinda well... at least for me, for Eliot being just a sidestep of Kane, anyway.

Dear Hardison: It's cos he doesn't need correcting. hahaha, typed that right before Nate said it.

Aww, the look on Alona's face when he's singing... Although Schneider seems to know it's her, yeah?

Neierathima says "and then they have sex" and of course, that's when they kiss on screen. Ain't that just pretty.

Eliot. STOP TAKING YOUR EARPIECE OUT DAMMIT. Although the giggling over the shot of the earpiece amuses me.

BAHAHA. 4H. Now doesn't that just bring up memories.

So is he playing Sophie too? :tips head:

Now you put your earpiece in. Good job. And the autograph. (Although David wants to know how quick that's supposed to be...)

Haha, and now the guys are on the ground. Nice. Of course..... we're only half way through.

Ok, Parker figuring out in the background ftw. :D

OMG. OOOOOMG Parker's outfit. Somewhere between Bjork and Lady Gaga. And that voice. Jesus. :in stitches:

:dies: The fangirls!!!

"Hardison's the things I've done there's no such thing as paranoia" Probably true, yes.

...Another beat? :tips head:

:giggles: Meditation temple!

Hardison's arms... And "pitchy". And omg, him too? Does everyone sing? XD

"I don't think I'm being weird enough" ILU Parker

"Say pitchy one more time!" OMG yesssss. That's gotta be a Princess Bride nod!

Ooooh. Found the digital masters cos the sound proofing didn't work. Slick, guys, slick.

"The guy who's buying our fiddle? He thinks he is the fiddle." Ohohhh.

Hah. Thug doesn't know what he's in for. Aiming a gun at Eliot...

I love that Hardison and Parker are totally oblivious to the fight. So who's Jenkins? Oh. Jenkins is dead.

I love cranky Eliot. A lot.

"I love it when a plan comes together."

So Hardison left the tape. Nice job Hardison.

Aw, Alona. I know it's touchy right now but do you really think they're gonna leave it that way? I mean, really sweetie.

"Help or don't help but don't tell me it's too late" - And the motorcycle, awesome...

HAHAHA, using the fangirls against the guy. Awesome.

7 minutes, and he's passing off the music. C'mon guys....

Parker on stage. Oh. My. God.

Oooooooooh. Interesting play, here. "If I was that stupid..."

Except if Eliot's wearing a mike... hmm.

:holding breath: (Who knew Schneider could sing?)


Aww, Eliot's face...

HA. Knew it. Nicely done, show, nicely done.

:giggles: "See the difference?"

Awww... oh Eliot... it does sound like a back country song but still.

Haha, Rogers, you do love a grumpy Eliot don't you. Like a lot. Like a lot a lot. Getting teased by the team ("No complaints!") and then not actually being asked for an autograph. Far, far too amused...

... Though I do wonder if this'll bite them in the ass later. What with the price on his head...

Which! BTW. If you somehow missed it (ahahaha, is that possible?) Kane's got "Thinking of You" up on iTunes and, for you gorgeous international types, at his website. Go get a copy! Well? What are you waiting for?

Now. Is there a magical time squashing DVR type device that will let it be next Sunday without missing the new eps of all the shows I love in between? No? Well... why the hell not???

episode reaction, leverage, tv, christian kane

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