30 Days of Writing Meme - Day 16

Jul 10, 2010 18:40

16. Do you write romantic relationships? How do you do with those, and how “far” are you willing to go in your writing? ;)

BAHAHAAHAHAHA. :wipes eyes: Oh I needed that.

Ok, I know when I first started posting fanfic I didn't write past like, an R for violence. But dude. Dude. To Have To Keep? Anyone? Bueller? Plus where I'd like to be published (at least for now) is erotica. I don't always write to NC17, but I don't shy away from it, and when the characters have sex they get it how they like it even if I have to teach myself how that works exactly. (Yeah, the number of nipple clamps I stared at writing To Have To Keep was amusing.)

Of course I answer the question backwards. The first part was supposed to be about romantic relationships, and ok, the answer is still a resounding duh. But to be honest with you, the romance is more important. Or, ok, relationships are most important, I just don't happen to write a lot of gen. It's the closeness, the depth of affection that drives my characters most of the time. Or the confusion involved with it, depending. Like with the goth!boys threesome... I never did end up writing the sex for when Ewan, Lee and Matt get together, even though it very definitively happens. But that's ok, because it wasn't the important part. The important part was Ewan misunderstanding, the pain and the loss and the grieving, and Matt and Lee making sure he understood he was wrong.

So I suppose in the end the answers are "yes" and "all the way". Heh.

30 days of writing, meme

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