30 Days of Writing Meme - Day 5

Jun 29, 2010 03:05

5. By age, who is your youngest character? Oldest? How about “youngest” and “oldest” in terms of when you created them?

Man, you want me to age check my characters? :snickers:

Ok, youngest on the docket is definitely Kitten's Stevie. He's only just barely younger than Kitten... and... I can't even remember how old they are, actually. I could swear I'd mentioned somewhere, but neither is much older than 7, right?

And as for the oldest... Well, for obvious reasons I suppose that honor goes to one of the gods in the Apollo!au. I would need to do research to find which of them exactly is the oldest... I almost want to say I had, is my personal take on the myth, made it Pandora.

In terms of when they're written, youngest is comic shop!au. It's so young I haven't even got anything written yet!! But don't worry, it's percolating. I'm sure Lisa won't let me forget ;) Although I suppose I was considering the comic shop before Sweet Charity, which will bring you (in the near future) noir and then (unfortunately late) some Leverage/SPN.

Oldest is the kitsune. Even his boy is younger than him in that regard... because in the original version he was a girl. And annoying at that. The entire story spawned from a mental image anyway, and it was the kitsune. (And yes, yes. I will be getting back to them, for those of you who were reading them. Juggling... And steampunk is much stronger in terms of talking to me...)

30 days of writing, meme

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