Regarding tonight's Leverage

Jun 27, 2010 18:16

I hate to say this, because it's another 2 episode night and I know, I know, the episodes are going to be amazing. (What can I say, I like spoilers, alright?) But guys, I just can't do a blow by blow tonight.

Last night we had no plans... except that a friend of ours who was only in Dallas for the weekend had her plans fall through, and we hadn't seen her in years. She got her hands on a ride, and we couldn't say no... She left not too long before 6am. I've had about 30 minutes of sleep since I woke up yesterday, and not for lack of trying.

If I try to do a blow by blow, I'm not going to enjoy most of the show, and I probably won't make a hell of a lot of sense.

Assuming I'm coherent enough I'll edit to add reactions after the eps though. I like hearing you guys squee at me too much...

So. Much. Win.

Loved the squabbling between Nate and Archie through the whole episode. And the way we see Nate relating to the team as family to be honest. Protective!Nate? Oh yeah.

The Parker/Eliot nod was win.

In fact, all of Eliot's fighting was win. Though, dude, what was with his nose. Did Christian hurt himself again?

And Parker. Oh Parker. The fourth act was made of love. And when she hugs Archie at the end? Yes. I adore the character growth, I doooooo. Also. I have one word: sexting.

Aldis is in fiiiiine form. I love how cocky Hardison is, only to be smacked around a bit and still come through in the end.

I love that they made a point to show Eliot and Parker getting choked up at the solo. (And people were all worried the OT3 family friendship whatever thing would be diminished!)

Yeah, I'm still liking the Italian by the way. She's pushy and keeps the team off balance. Yeah, I know, it's different. Get over it guys, cos you'd end up bitching if the show were too formulaic too. Especially since Nate gets just as tetchy with her.

And the twist? Oh, the twist was brilliant.

Nevermind how awesome the whole solo is brilliant, and the near dialog-free coordinated stuff. I want to ask if Aldis actually recorded the music... except Rogers' question post isn't up.

Also made of win was Eliot's fight at the beginning. He had way too much fun showing off just to ask if Hardison's dog could do it all...

The end though. The tetchiness between Nate and Hardison... yes. Just, yes.

Right. So. Next week is July 4... can't wait for the week after. New eps, mmmm....

episode reaction, leverage, tv

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