fic: RPS: Worth the Arrow's Prick (1/1)

May 14, 2010 21:59

Title: Worth the Arrow's Prick
Author: Havenward
Fandom: Kane RPS (phlebotomist au)
Pairing: Kane/Carlson
Rating: PG
Words: 864
Note: I know I said I wasn't writing more of this verse, and I didn't mean to. I haven't been taking prompts... but ziplockeddaze asked for this and because I hadn't put specifications on the meme, it was only right to oblige her. ( ( Read more... )

apparently cupid is out of arrows, kane rps, fic, writing, worth the arrows prick

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Comments 12

honeyjojames May 15 2010, 07:29:59 UTC
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! *loves* So sweet! There needs to be more of this verse! *nods*


havenward May 15 2010, 08:31:41 UTC
Noooooooooooo... Trust me, if Lisa has her way I'll give you something else to be distracted by > >


honeyjojames May 15 2010, 13:20:42 UTC
*polishes horns and ponders* Y'know, I haven't enabled you neeearly enough lately...

Oooh, now I'm intrigued! *cheers Lisa on in her enabling*


havenward May 15 2010, 17:46:00 UTC
You haven't... but I'm not doing phlebotomist! See author's notes on both stories... Unless you wanted to give me money. Donations make me amicable to all sorts of things, but usually my friends are too poor for that...

Lisa's enabling with involve a comic book shop au...


orphan_project May 15 2010, 08:02:33 UTC
-clap clap clap- It's so adorable!!!!! I love shyish!Christian!!!! hehehe


havenward May 15 2010, 08:32:12 UTC


ziplocless May 15 2010, 13:37:04 UTC
Awww so adorable! I love shy and uncertain Chris. The blushing, by both of them, gets me every time.

Thank You for writing this and um :looks innocent: I loved his reaction and I couldn't resist asking for it ;).


darling_lisa May 15 2010, 15:10:31 UTC
:happy sigh: This totally took the sting out of being woken up early on the one day I had planned to sleep in.

I love, love, LOVE Christian in this, the nervousness, the self castigation, the blushing. So. Freaking. Adorable.

I am glad that the boys wouldn't stop talkin :nods:


canadiangoddess May 17 2010, 14:54:49 UTC
Are you someone who dislikes needles/blood? Because I am and I've got to tell fucking nailed it. I have such of a bitch of a time donating blood because I can't keep my blood pressure from bottoming out when I get stressed...

I do love shy!Chris and arkward!Steve so much!!!


havenward May 17 2010, 17:30:22 UTC
I dislike needles but I spent a lot of last summer donating plasma... really I just contemplated my arachnaphobia and how that might translate.

The boys, they are adorable. :)


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