fic: RPS: Worth the Arrow's Prick (1/1)

May 14, 2010 21:59

Title: Worth the Arrow's Prick
Author: Havenward
Fandom: Kane RPS (phlebotomist au)
Pairing: Kane/Carlson
Rating: PG
Words: 864
Note: I know I said I wasn't writing more of this verse, and I didn't mean to. I haven't been taking prompts... but ziplockeddaze asked for this and because I hadn't put specifications on the meme, it was only right to oblige her. (Never mind that they were more than happy to talk my ear off.) This is a direct tag to Apparently Cupid Is Out of Arrows, from Christian's pov.

Summary: Christian wasn't sure he'd be up for donating, but this? This made it all worth it.

He really kinda can't not think about it.

Even with Steve telling him to breathe, sitting close with pity in those pretty blue eyes, he can't not think about it. Can't not feel it. He can not look at it, anyway, but he still feels the tube laying warm against his arm, feels the pinch in the crease of his arm. Deep breaths he tries to tell himself and pumps his fist like he's been told. He tries to listen to what Steve's saying.

"... So long as you don't fall asleep."

The very idea is laughable, except for it kind of makes him want to cry. He musters up part of a smile, because if their positions had been reversed Christian's really not so sure he'd be half so patient about the whole thing. Steve's a nice guy, and under other circumstances... Chris shoves the thought aside. "I don't think that'll be a problem."

Steve bites his lip. Chris tries to tell himself that the only reason why he watches the motion so intently is because he needs to not think about the goddamn fucking needle... "I could let you borrow mine. I've got it in my locker in the break room. Y'know, if you wanted. If it'd help."

Christian blinks a little. "You sure?" He isn't sure how to take that. Ain't like people just lend strangers their iPods, and it's much more concern than Chris was expecting. He'd thought they'd have gotten other people like him before, and they can't do this for everybody, no matter how much you pity them.

"Yeah, absolutely. I'll be right back."

Steve jogs off, but it's not until he's out of sight that Christian realizes he has nothing else to focus on anymore. He tries looking up at the tv. It's mostly static, though, and it's not like he can hear anything. It'd be alright if it were a game or something but... The band around his arm relaxes and he has to remind himself that means he should relax too. Except now he can hear other machines beeping, whirring...

The other girl that works there shoots him a sympathetic smile as she checks the machine across from him and seats two more people. His machine beeps, and she eyes the numbers from where she is. Gestures a hand a little, and Christian realizes he's been holding his breath again.

Thankfully that's when Steve comes back. Chris thinks maybe he shouldn't feel so relieved to see him, especially since it has nothing to do with the iPod he's holding out. He blushes, his cheeks burning as he ducks his head and puts his free hand out to take it. "Thanks," he says.

Christian has to appreciate the headphones. For one thing they're on-ear, not flimsy ear-buds, the head set sturdy and obviously well worn. He frowns, not entirely sure how to balance the iPod and get the headphones on at the same time with only his left freakin' hand.

"Here, let me," Steve says, leaning in close enough that Chris can smell his cologne. Christian stops thinking altogether as Steve carefully brushes Chris' hair out of his face, fingers featherlight as he tucks it behind Chris' ears. Christian swallows hard, looking up at Steve as he slides the headphones onto Chris, as he makes sure they're in place and comfortable, and when Steve's fingers brush against his cheeks... Well, if Christian didn't have a needle in his arm he would be leaning up to kiss him.

Which is all kinds of stupid. Mama always said he was impulsive, after all. As Steve straightens up Christian wonders if the guy isn't just stupidly nice, if it isn't just all in his head. The other girl has come up beside Steve, now, and she gives Chris an apologetic look before she jabs Steve hard in the shoulder a couple times.

"You're supposed to be working y'know. We've got two more chairs," she says to Steve, sounding a little annoyed.

Christian feels his cheeks warm with guilt. He hadn't thought about the fact that he was actually keeping Steve from doing his job, that there were other people, less neurotic people, waiting to get on with things. He fiddles with the iPod to keep from looking at them --he feels like an idiot-- and tries not to think about the fact that in just a moment it'll be the only thing he has to keep him from thinking about the needle in his arm for the next two hours. "Sorry. I didn't mean to keep you from," he gestures vaguely with his good hand, "...stuff."

"Nothing to apologize for. If you need anything, or start panicking again, just call for me, ok?" Steve squeezes Christian's shoulder, his hand lingering just a moment longer than necessary. Chris nods, not looking up so Steve can't see how miserable and nervous he feels. "I hate to leave you here when you're still so nervous... I could, maybe, make it up to you?"

Christian can't help but look up. This whole time Steve's sounded confident. But that... The way he's biting his lip, his own cheeks tinged pink...

"Maybe with dinner?" Steve asks, definitely sounding hopeful.

Chris grins so wide it hurts."I'd like that. I'd like that a lot."

apparently cupid is out of arrows, kane rps, fic, writing, worth the arrows prick

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