Drabble requests part 2

Sep 06, 2008 02:28

The next batch! I'll have another chunk after these ones as well, unless I get more requests of course.

For buffyaddict13: Doctor Who, Ten, "whatever" (G)
Good Morning, Still )

doctor who, tv, writing, drabble, i love my flist, lost, life, dresden files, supernatural, fic

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Comments 24

chatona September 6 2008, 09:24:33 UTC
You know how entirely unfair it is of you not to write more of that last drabble? Because I want more now.


havenward September 6 2008, 13:04:14 UTC
Only as eternally unfair of it was of Zee to prompt me with it.

... Don't worry, its in the process of turning into a longer story :)


chatona September 6 2008, 14:40:17 UTC
I approve of that kind of unfairness. ANd of it turning into a longer story. Very much so.


havenward September 6 2008, 14:44:32 UTC
its kind of eating my brain


katje0711 September 6 2008, 12:10:05 UTC
OMG! I love it!! That's awesome! I love how Des had a vision about him and Locke. Of course, now I want to know what the vision(s) were and I agree with chatona, regarding my drabble of course, I want more!


havenward September 6 2008, 13:05:26 UTC
Hehehe, so glad you enjoyed it! Its not a coupling I would have thought of, so I had to try extra hard to do it justice :)


katje0711 September 6 2008, 15:49:20 UTC
For some reason most people have never thought of Locke and Des as a couple. I could give you tons of reasons they are destined to be.

By the way, I've posted your drabble over at locke_desmond.


havenward September 6 2008, 16:18:34 UTC
I'm always slow to the slash pool, actually. Unless its cannon, I have this problem with being totally oblivious....

I'm flattered you thought it was good enough to share! Thank you ::blushes::


thehighwaywoman September 6 2008, 14:02:34 UTC

And damn, lady -- more now, please? I am not above begging, because with lines like these:

Sam kept glancing back, like the two of them were having a conversation only they could hear.

It was kinda starting to piss Dean off.



havenward September 6 2008, 14:43:14 UTC
Feel the burn, love ::cackles::

... Oh, I can't hurt you. ::is a softie, in the end::

You'll have to log on later (after 11am CST so that I'm definitely awake, I'm only pretending right now) so I can plot at you. Monster can haz mai brain. So many decisions, least of which is whether or not to sit on this til after the premier and see if I want to make it peri-s4 and as cannonical or pre-s3 finale and AU the bitch and where, precisely would be the best point to merge it with the books.

Oh. And why hunters don't know about anything. Or who does, I suppose. (Bobby knows everything but one woulda thought he'd mention...)

... How old is Harry again? Had an idea that oh I wish I could use, but it won't work because John wouldn't have been hunting early enough without the added complications of time distortions...


deralte September 6 2008, 16:02:21 UTC
*Puts seal of approval on a longer Dresden/Supernatural crossover* *tries to look innocent afterwards*


havenward September 6 2008, 16:27:56 UTC
Not you too!

::flails:: I should have known you'd side with them. I ought to stick you in somewhere just because... well, because. Nyah! ::pouts::

Now I just have to figure out a damn plot... (see bitching in my comments with thehighwaywoman aka Zee). I should probably start with whether or not its a mytharc plot for either of them, but my brain is too busy running around fiddling with the image of Jared as Thomas (shut up) and hurting Dean's brain with how much Sam looks like he could be related. And that makes my brain hurt...

closing the html helps ::facepalm::


amethystshade April 5 2010, 01:07:31 UTC
First of all. Awesome crossover idea. : D Second of all. Yay! San Antonio. : P *cough* Anyway, great drabble.


havenward April 5 2010, 01:49:56 UTC

Man, it's been a while... I still have my notes for Dresden/SPN too. It's epically epic and ... man I have too many WIPs to juggle. Maybe I'll poke at it again soon. Maybe.... Should probably reread Dresden. That'd help :D


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