Drabble requests part 2

Sep 06, 2008 02:28

The next batch! I'll have another chunk after these ones as well, unless I get more requests of course.

For buffyaddict13: Doctor Who, Ten, "whatever" (G)
Good Morning, Still )

doctor who, tv, writing, drabble, i love my flist, lost, life, dresden files, supernatural, fic

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chatona September 6 2008, 09:24:33 UTC
You know how entirely unfair it is of you not to write more of that last drabble? Because I want more now.


havenward September 6 2008, 13:04:14 UTC
Only as eternally unfair of it was of Zee to prompt me with it.

... Don't worry, its in the process of turning into a longer story :)


chatona September 6 2008, 14:40:17 UTC
I approve of that kind of unfairness. ANd of it turning into a longer story. Very much so.


havenward September 6 2008, 14:44:32 UTC
its kind of eating my brain


chatona September 6 2008, 14:46:43 UTC


havenward September 6 2008, 16:38:53 UTC
You're all ganging up on me!

... ::caves:: (as though there were much fight in me to begin with)

Now I just have to be all decisive about things...


chatona September 7 2008, 00:00:41 UTC
You can do it! ... In fact, you'll have to! :D


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