Cold Feelings {The Downtown Fiction}

Jul 31, 2010 20:04


            What had started out as an all-band getaway at a cabin in the mountains had quickly turned into Cameron and Eric snowed in. David had been forced to return home early when his grandmother fell ill, and the night he left, the snow came down hard and fast, leaving Cameron and Eric stuck in the cabin with no power…meaning no heat. The fun was gone from the vacation, and while Cameron stayed inside to try and get a fire started, Eric went outside to try and dig the car out so that they might be able to leave the next day.

It didn’t take Cameron long to get the fire going, but it took Eric a good deal longer to make progress on the car. When he finally came back into the cabin, he was shivering from the cold, his lips were blue and his hands and feet were almost completely numb.

“Oh my god!” Cameron jumped up, pulling Eric in front of the fire. “You’re freezing! Baby, next time come in when you start turning blue! It’s not healthy!”

“I’m f-f-fine,” Eric claimed, his teeth chattering wildly as he spoke.

“Sure you are,” Cameron replied skeptically. “You just look like a popsicle, that’s totally normal.” He shook his head as he walked over to Eric. “Baby, don’t lie to me. You’re frozen.”

“M-m-maybe just a little,” Eric admitted. “B-b-but I’m gonna be okay.”

“I know you are.” Cameron smiled warmly at his boyfriend as he sat him down in front of the fire. “Because I’m going to take care of you.”

“I kn-know.” Eric nodded slightly, though he was still wildly shivering. “You always take good care of me.”

“I try.” Cameron shrugged as he reached out, gently removing Eric’s soaked hat, jacket and gloves. “You aren’t going to warm up at all if you keep all of these wet clothes on,” Cameron explained, moving to take off Eric’s socks and shoes. Once he was through with that, he pulled off Eric’s shirt and pants, leaving Eric in only his boxers. “Try and keep warm,” Cameron whispered, wrapping a large blanket around Eric’s body.

“Whoa, dude, what are you doing?” Eric’s eyes widened as Cameron began to strip off his own, dry clothes.

“Body heat is the best way to warm up,” Cameron explained as he shed everything but his own boxers. “Now let me in.”

“Okay…” Eric opened up the blanket and Cameron moved against him, pulling the blanket tightly around them both.

“Is this helping?” Cameron asked, pulling Eric down next to him so that they were lying down, their bodies pressed together.

“It is.” Eric nodded as he snuggled against Cameron. “It’s actually kind of romantic, you know? Cuddling in front of the fire.”

“It is, isn’t it.” Cameron smiled, leaning forwards to kiss Eric. “Your lips are still cold.” Cameron whispered as he pulled away.

“So warm them up.” Eric smiled devilishly as he leaned in for another kiss. Cameron returned the kiss, smiling against Eric’s lips as he did so.

“I love you,” Cameron whispered as he pulled away, smiling still.

“I know.” Eric beamed, placing his pan on Cameron’s cheek. “I love you too.”

hurt/comfort bingo, bingo, slash, cameric, oneshot, fanfiction

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