Well bits of it were incredibly old and other bits had been added as recently as the nineteenth century, so who knows? Not to South Australia anyway. We were a colony of free settlers (and don't like letting anyone forget it).
hmmf! I'll have you know we can claim a lot more than that! A small selection: We were the first state in Australia to give women equal voting rights. Under the South Australian Constitution Aboriginal people actually had the right to vote until they lost it when Australia federated in 1901 (though admittedly there weren't many registered Aboriginal voters in the 19th century). SA was the first state in Australia to legalise homosexuality between consenting adults in private. SA was one of the first states to have a 'Festival of Arts' and the first to introduce the 'Festival of Ideas'. Not to mention great wineries, great beaches and a fantastic lifestyle in general ;)
Actually despite my moaning and whinging most days I really enjoy what I'm doing right now. I'd struggle if it was a long term commitment though, I think there's a really negative and poisonous office culture prevalent among a lot of the staff but most of the time I don't let it effect me. The mornings are incredibly entertaining as that's when I'm on the front desk where most of the world passes you by and I get on really well with most of the court ushers who work out there. Abusive 'customers', drunkards and idiots I can handle, it's the rude staff that get up my nose!
Comments 13
A small selection:
We were the first state in Australia to give women equal voting rights. Under the South Australian Constitution Aboriginal people actually had the right to vote until they lost it when Australia federated in 1901 (though admittedly there weren't many registered Aboriginal voters in the 19th century).
SA was the first state in Australia to legalise homosexuality between consenting adults in private.
SA was one of the first states to have a 'Festival of Arts' and the first to introduce the 'Festival of Ideas'.
Not to mention great wineries, great beaches and a fantastic lifestyle in general ;)
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